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2. Berberis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 330. 1753.

小檗属 xiao bo shu

Authors: Junsheng Ying

Shrubs, evergreen or deciduous. Branches glabrous or tomentose, spinose or not; spines simple or usually 3-5-fid. Leaves on short shoots, simple, alternate, usually petiolate. Inflorescences solitary or fascicled flowers, racemes, umbels, or panicles. Flowers 3-merous; bracteoles usually 3, caducous, scalelike. Sepals 6, rarely 3 or 9, yellow. Petals 6, yellow, bases nectariferous. Stamens opposite petals; anthers dehiscing by valves; pollen grains subspheroidal, exine reticulate. Ovary symmetrically club-shaped; ovules 1-12, rarely to 15, subbasal; styles very short. Fruit a berry, usually red, dark red, or black, globose, ellipsoid, oblong, ovoid, or obovoid. Seeds 1-10, tan to red-brown or black; aril absent. 2n = 14.

About 500 species: north temperate regions, a few in the S Hemisphere; 215 species (197 endemic, one introduced) in China.

Many species of the genus are grown as ornamental shrubs and used for medicinal purposes.

Editors’ note. This treatment of Berberis was written solely by the Chinese author, Ying Junsheng. The non-Chinese co-author of the genus was to be Julian Harber (Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire, U.K.), and the Berberidaceae were to be included in Flora of China Volume 7 (2008), but two months before that volume was sent to the printer, Ying rejected Harber’s revision, with the result that the Berberidaceae were postponed until the present volume. The treatment provided here is an edited version of the English manuscript provided by Ying and is essentially a translation of his earlier treatment in FRPS (29: 54-214. 2001). It has been edited only to follow the Flora of China format, to correct the usage of English, and to correct nomenclatural errors, including errors of bibliographic citation. The taxonomy and data provided in the descriptions and distributions have not been changed. The editors observe that 49 names based on Chinese material have apparently been overlooked or disregarded in this treatment. They are provided as an appendix at the end of the genus. Harber is currently preparing a thorough revision of Chinese Berberis, expanded from the joint treatment that was intended to appear in the Flora of China; it will include all taxa known to occur in China, will account for all names based on Chinese material, and will be published by Missouri Botanical Garden Press.

Additional names based on Chinese material

Editors’ note. The following names, all based on Chinese material, have not been accounted for in the above treatment by Ying Junsheng (see the comments at the beginning of the genus). This appendix is provided for information only, and no taxonomic opinions are expressed.
  • Berberis acuminata Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 33: 387. 1887. De­scribed from Yunnan.
  • Berberis ambigua Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 60. 1941. Described from cultivated material reputedly grown from seed collected in Yun­nan.
  • Berberis angulosa Wallich ex J. D. Hooker & Thomson var. fasciculata Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 42. 1941. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis approximata Sprague var. campylogyna Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79 (Suppl.): 53. 1941 (B. dictyophylla Franchet var. campylogyna (Ahrendt) Ahrendt, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 57: 128. 1961). Described from Yunnan.
  • Berberis aridocalida Ahrendt, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1939: 273. 1939 ["arido-calida"]. Described from cultivated material reputedly grown from seed collected in Gansu.
  • Berberis atroprasina Ahrendt, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 112: 155. 1942. De­scribed from cultivated material reputedly grown from seed col­lected in Yunnan.
  • Berberis bodinieri H. Léveillé, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 454. 1911, not (Gagnepain) Laferrière (1997). Described from Yunnan.
  • Berberis buchananii C. K. Schneider var. tawangensis Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 37. 1941. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis calliantha Mulligan, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 97: 394. 1935. De­scribed from Xizang.
  • Berberis caroli C. K. Schneider, Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 459. 1905. Described from Nei Mongol.
  • Berberis chinensis Poiret, Encycl. 8: 617. 1808. Described from culti­vated material in Paris and said to be native to China.
  • Berberis consimilis C. K. Schneider, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 66: 324. 1916. De­scribed from cultivated material reputedly grown from seed col­lected in Sichuan.
  • Berberis dasystachya Maximowicz var. pluriflora P. Y. Li, Acta Phyto­tax. Sin. 10: 213. 1965. Described from Gansu and Qinghai.
  • Berberis faberi C. K. Schneider, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 67: 215. 1918. De­scribed from Sichuan.
  • Berberis faxoniana C. K. Schneider, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 66: 325. 1916. De­scribed from cultivated material reputedly grown from seed col­lected in Sichuan or Yunnan.
  • Berberis franchetiana C. K. Schneider var. gombalana C. Y. Wu & S. Y. Bao, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 5(3): 15. 1985. Described from Yun­nan.
  • Berberis gagnepainii C. K. Schneider var. subovata C. K. Schneider, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 46: 264. 1939. Described from Si­chuan.
  • Berberis heteropsis Ahrendt, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 57: 213. 1961. De­scribed from Guizhou and Sichuan.
  • Berberis hookeri Lemaire subsp. longipes D. F. Chamberlain & C. M. Hu, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 42: 533. 1985. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis humidoumbrosa Ahrendt var. dispersa Ahrendt, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 57: 160. 1961. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis insignis J. D. Hooker & Thomson var. zelaica Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 9. 1941. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis integerrima Bunge var. stenophylla Maximowicz, Fl. Tangut. 29. 1889. Described from Gansu.
  • Berberis jaeschkeana C. K. Schneider var. bimbilaica Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 65. 1941. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis jingguensis G. S. Fan & X. W. Li, J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 5(3): 1. 1997. Described from Yunnan.
  • Berberis kartanica Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 68. 1941. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis mairei Ahrendt, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 57: 76. 1961. Described from Yunnan.
  • Berberis oblanceifolia C. M. Hu, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 6(2): 12. 1986. Described from Hunan.
  • Berberis oritrepha C. K. Schneider, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 67: 293. 1918. De­scribed from Shaanxi.
  • Berberis orthobotrys Bienert ex B.D. Jackson var. rupestris Ahrendt, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 57: 143. 1961. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis petrogena C. K. Schneider, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 46: 253. 1939. Described from Yunnan.
  • Berberis pingbaensis M. T. An, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 28: 641. 2008. Described from Guizhou.
  • Berberis poiretii C. K. Schneider f. weichangensis C. K. Schneider in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 1: 372. 1913. Described from Hebei.
  • Berberis praecipua C. K. Schneider, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 46: 248. 1939. Described from Hunan and Yunnan.
  • Berberis pseudothunbergii P. Y. Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 10: 211. 1965. Described from Gansu and Shaanxi.
  • Berberis rockii Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 72. 1941. Described from Yunnan.
  • Berberis sanei T. Husain, Datt, Arti Garg & R. R. Rao, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia 17: 69. 1995. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis sinensis Desfontaines var. angustifolia Regel, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 2: 416. 1873 (B. poiretii C. K. Schneider var. angustifolia (Regel) Nakai, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 21: 66. 1936). De­scribed from N and NE China.
  • Berberis sphalera Fedde, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36(Beibl. 82): 44. 1905. De­scribed from Shaanxi.
  • Berberis spraguei Ahrendt, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 109: 101. 1941. De­scribed from cultivated material apparently originally collected in Yunnan.
  • Berberis stearnii Ahrendt, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 109: 101. 1941. De­scribed from cultivated material apparently originally collected in Yunnan.
  • Berberis subsessiliflora Pampanini, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s., 22: 293. 1915. Described from Hubei.
  • Berberis tarokoensis S. Y. Lu & Yuen P. Yang, Fl. Taiwan, ed. 2, 2: 581. 1996. Described from Taiwan.
  • Berberis thibetica C. K. Schneider, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 6: 268. 1909. Described from cultivated material reputedly grown from seed collected in Sichuan or Yunnan.
  • Berberis trichohaematoides Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 62. 1941. De­scribed from Xizang.
  • Berberis tsangpoensis Ahrendt, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 109: 101. 1941. Described from Xizang.
  • Berberis uniflora F. N. Wei & Y. G. Wei, Guihaia 15: 218. 1995. De­scribed from Guangxi.
  • Berberis wanhuashanensis Yue Jin Zhang, Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occid. Sin. 11: 258. 1991. Described from Shaanxi.
  • Berberis xinganensis G. H. Liu & S. Q. Zhou, Fl. Intramongol., ed. 2, 2: 712. 1991. Described from Nei Mongol.
  • Berberis zayulana Ahrendt, J. Bot. 79(Suppl.): 64. 1941. Described from Xizang.

1 Inflorescence an umbel, raceme, or panicle   (2)
+ Flowers solitary or fascicled   (100)
2 (1) Inflorescence an umbel   (3)
+ Inflorescence a raceme or panicle   (10)
3 (2) Branches densely pubescent.   119 B. weiningensis
+ Branches glabrous   (4)
4 (3) Inflorescences not pedunculate (flowers fascicled at base of peduncle)   (5)
+ Inflorescences pedunculate (flowers not fascicled at base of peduncle)   (7)
5 (4) Stems, pedicels, and leaves abaxially pruinose, each leaf margin 2-7-aristate-dentate.   124 B. multiserrata
+ Stems, pedicels, and leaves abaxially not pruinose, each leaf margin 1-4-spinose-serrate or entire   (6)
6 (5) Shrubs evergreen; spines 3-fid; each leaf margin 1-4-spinose-serrate, rarely entire, veins raised on both surfaces; ovules 4 or 5.   125 B. pulangensis
+ Shrubs deciduous; spines simple; leaves entire, veins inconspicuous; ovules 1 or 2.   126 B. thunbergii
7 (4) Sepals in 3 whorls; fruit contracted at middle part, apex usually bent.   120 B. johannis
+ Sepals in 2 whorls; fruit not bent at apex   (8)
8 (7) Leaves narrowly elliptic or obovate-elliptic; fruit contracted at lower part, style persistent; ovules 2.   121 B. leboensis
+ Leaves obovate, obovate-lanceolate, or oblong; fruit not contracted, style not persistent; ovules 4 or 5   (9)
9 (8) Petals emarginate at apex; leaves obovate or obovate-lanceolate.   122 B. umbratica
+ Petals entire at apex; leaves oblong or elliptic.   123 B. gilungensis
10 (2) Inflorescence a panicle   (11)
+ Inflorescence a raceme   (28)
11 (10) Inflorescence a corymbose panicle   (12)
+ Inflorescence a panicle   (13)
12 (11) Leaf blade narrowly obovate or obovate-lanceolate, margin entire; sepals in 3 whorls; petals emarginate at apex; ovules 3 or 4.   198 B. jiulongensis
+ Leaf blade narrowly elliptic, margin 1-4-spinose-serrate on each side; sepals in 2 whorls; petals entire at apex; ovules 1.   199 B. contracta
13 (11) Inflorescence a congested panicle; pedicels 1-2(-3) mm; fruit subglobose.   200 B. aggregata
+ Inflorescence a loose panicle; pedicels longer than 2 mm   (14)
14 (13) Sepals in 3 whorls   (15)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (19)
15 (14) Rachis and peduncle pubescent.   201 B. luhuoensis
+ Rachis and peduncle glabrous   (16)
16 (15) Leaves entire   (17)
+ Leaves spinose-serrate   (18)
17 (16) Rachis conspicuously flexuose; fruit oblong-ovoid, pruinose, style not persistent.   202 B. sherriffii
+ Rachis not flexuose; fruit ovoid, not pruinose, style persistent.   203 B. prattii
18 (16) Leaves abaxially pruinose; inflorescences 2-4 cm; petals entire or slightly emarginate at apex; style not persistent; ovules 3 or 4.   204 B. beaniana
+ Leaves abaxially not pruinose; inflorescences 5-12 cm; petals incised at apex; style persistent; ovules 2.   205 B. francisci-ferdinandi
19 (14) Branches and rachises pubescent   (20)
+ Branches and rachises glabrous   (21)
20 (19) Bracts shorter than pedicels; anther connective apiculate; ovules 2.   206 B. trichiata
+ Bracts longer than pedicels; anther connective truncate; ovules usually 3 or 4.   207 B. gyalaica
21 (19) Shrubs deciduous   (22)
+ Shrubs evergreen or semi-evergreen   (24)
22 (21) Leaves narrowly oblanceolate, thinly papery; petals entire or emarginate at apex.   215 B. beijingensis
+ Leaves obovate, papery; petals emarginate at apex   (23)
23 (22) Leaves up to 6.5 cm; pedicels 5-12 mm; fruit red, pruinose, style not persistent.   213 B. xanthophlaea
+ Leaves up to 2.7 cm; pedicels 2-3 mm; fruit dark red to purple-red, not pruinose, style persistent.   214 B. concolor
24 (21) Shrubs evergreen; leaves oblanceolate; fruit black, pruinose.   208 B. kerriana
+ Shrubs semi-evergreen; leaves spatulate-cuneate, obovate, or oblong-obovate   (25)
25 (24) Leaf margin spinose-serrate; style 1-1.5 mm   (26)
+ Leaves entire; style 0.5-0.75 mm   (27)
26 (25) Spines usually simple; inflorescences 5-15 cm; petals incised at apex; ovules 2.   209 B. polyantha
+ Spines 3-fid; inflorescences 3-5 cm; petals entire at apex; ovules 4.   210 B. sikkimensis
27 (25) Leaves spatulate-cuneate, apex retuse; bracts shorter than pedicels.   211 B. coryi
+ Leaves obovate, apex rounded; bracts subequal to pedicels in length.   212 B. metapolyantha
28 (10) Inflorescence a spikelike raceme   (29)
+ Inflorescence a racemose subumbel or raceme   (35)
29 (28) Leaves glabrous   (30)
+ Leaves pubescent   (32)
30 (29) Leaf margin 2-15-spinose-serrate on each side; fruit black.   131 B. purdomii
+ Leaf margin entire; fruit red   (31)
31 (30) Petals entire at apex.   132 B. vernae
+ Petals incised at apex.   133 B. poiretii
32 (29) Sepals in 3 whorls   (33)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (34)
33 (32) Adaxial surface of leaf rugose, both surfaces pubescent.   127 B. brachypoda
+ Adaxial surface of leaf not rugose, only abaxially pubescent.   128 B. salicaria
34 (32) Leaves entire; petals entire at apex; pedicels glabrous.   129 B. gilgiana
+ Leaf margin aristate-dentate; petals incised at apex; pedicels pubescent.   130 B. stenostachya
35 (28) Inflorescence a racemose subumbel   (36)
+ Inflorescence a raceme   (56)
36 (35) Inflorescences not pedunculate   (37)
+ Inflorescences pedunculate   (41)
37 (36) Sepals in 3 whorls.   134 B. pallens
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (38)
38 (37) Leaf margin closely spinose-serrate; petals slightly emarginate at apex; berry ovoid.   135 B. reticulata
+ Leaves entire or 1-4-spinose-serrate; petals entire or deeply emarginate at apex   (39)
39 (38) Leaves oblong-obovate; spines simple; ovules solitary.   136 B. pruinocarpa
+ Leaves lanceolate or broadly ovate; spines 3-fid; ovules 2-5   (40)
40 (39) Leaves lanceolate; spines stout, 1-3 cm; petals entire at apex; ovules 2 or 3.   137 B. hemsleyana
+ Leaves broadly obovate; spines slender, ca. 1 cm; petals emarginate at apex; ovules 3-5.   138 B. platyphylla
41 (36) Sepals in 3 whorls   (42)
+ Sepals in 1 or 2 whorls   (44)
42 (41) Inflorescences with leaflike bracts; fruit globose, style persistent.   139 B. sichuanica
+ Inflorescences without leaflike bracts; fruit oblong, style not persistent   (43)
43 (42) Leaves obovate or broadly obovate; stamens truncate at apex.   140 B. mekongensis
+ Leaves oblanceolate or narrowly elliptic; stamens apiculate at apex; fruit contracted below middle.   141 B. pseudoamoena
44 (41) Sepals in 1 whorl; leaves narrowly oblanceolate, less than 5 mm wide.   142 B. lepidifolia
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (45)
45 (44) Stems, rachises, and pedicels conspicuously pruinose.   143 B. calcipratorum
+ Stems, rachises, and pedicels not pruinose   (46)
46 (45) Leaves leathery   (47)
+ Leaves papery   (49)
47 (46) Leaves abaxially not pruinose; fruit obovoid-oblong.   146 B. derongensis
+ Leaves abaxially pruinose; fruit globose or oblong   (48)
48 (47) Leaves elliptic or oblong-obovate, reticulate veins conspicuous; fruit subglobose; seeds 3.   144 B. weisiensis
+ Leaves narrowly obovate, reticulate veins inconspicuous; fruit oblong; seeds 1.   145 B. amoena
49 (46) Leaves entire   (50)
+ Leaves spinose-serrate or entire and 1-10-spinose-serrate   (52)
50 (49) Petals incised at apex; stamens truncate at apex.   147 B. papillifera
+ Petals entire at apex; stamens shortly apiculate at apex   (51)
51 (50) Leaves acute at apex; petals obovate, clawed at base.   148 B. virescens
+ Leaves obtuse at apex; petals elliptic, not clawed at base.   149 B. integripetala
52 (49) Branches and pedicels pubescent.   150 B. tomentulosa
+ Branches and pedicels glabrous   (53)
53 (52) Leaves oblanceolate, abaxially brown.   154 B. atroviridiana
+ Leaves abaxially pale green, grayish, or pruinose   (54)
54 (53) Leaves abaxially pruinose; ovules 3 or 4.   151 B. tischleri
+ Leaves abaxially not pruinose; ovules 1 or 2   (55)
55 (54) Petals entire at apex; fruit globose.   152 B. silva-taroucana
+ Petals emarginate at apex; fruit oblong-ellipsoid.   153 B. tsarongensis
56 (35) Racemes not pedunculate   (57)
+ Racemes pedunculate   (74)
57 (56) Evergreen or semi-evergreen shrubs   (58)
+ Deciduous shrubs   (61)
58 (57) Semi-evergreen shrubs; leaves entire.   50 B. wilsoniae
+ Evergreen shrubs; leaves spinose-serrate or aristate-dentate   (59)
59 (58) Leaves 1-4-aristate-dentate; stem spines 1.5-6 cm.   182 B. potaninii
+ Leaves 10-25-spinose-serrate on each side; stem spines 0.6-1.5 cm   (60)
60 (59) Leaves 3-9 × 1-3 cm; fruit oblong-ellipsoid; style persistent, short.   183 B. centiflora
+ Leaves 0.8-2(-3.5) × 0.5-1.2 cm; fruit subglobose; style not persistent.   184 B. tenuipedicellata
61 (57) Sepals in 3 whorls   (62)
+ Sepals in 1 or 2 whorls   (63)
62 (61) Leaves rounded or retuse at apex; reticulate veins distinctly raised; anther connective truncate.   196 B. batangensis
+ Leaves acute or rounded at apex; reticulate veins inconspicuous; anther connective apiculate.   197 B. ignorata
63 (61) Sepals in 1 whorl; leaves entire or 1-8-spinose-serrate.   185 B. mouillacana
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (64)
64 (63) Leaves entire or rarely few spinose-serrate   (65)
+ Leaves spinose-serrate   (70)
65 (64) Leaves entire   (66)
+ Leaves entire, occasionally 1-7-spinose-serrate   (68)
66 (65) Fruit usually bent, style persistent; petals acute at apex.   186 B. franchetiana
+ Fruit not bent, style not persistent   (67)
67 (66) Petals incised at apex; leaf margin not revolute, 1.2-3.5 × 0.5-1.4 cm.   187 B. lecomtei
+ Petals rounded, entire at apex; leaf margin revolute, 1-2 × 0.4-0.8 cm.   188 B. microtricha
68 (65) Fruit red; style persistent, short.   189 B. dawoensis
+ Fruit black; style not persistent   (69)
69 (68) Leaves obovate; petals entire at apex.   190 B. heteropoda
+ Leaves lanceolate; petals slightly emarginate at apex.   191 B. kaschgarica
70 (64) Petals deeply incised at apex; leaves elliptic, glabrous.   192 B. dielsiana
+ Petals entire at apex   (71)
71 (70) Ovules 7-11; leaves oblong-orbicular, abaxially grayish white, usually pruinose.   42 B. aemulans
+ Ovules 1 or 2   (72)
72 (71) Leaf blade elliptic or obovate-elliptic, margin spinose-serrate; bracts ca. 1 mm.   193 B. dictyoneura
+ Leaf blade obovate, margin remotely spinose-serrate; bracts 4-5 mm   (73)
73 (72) Spines to 2.5 cm; leaves to 5 × 2 cm.   194 B. nutanticarpa
+ Spines to 5 cm; leaves to 4 × 1.7 cm.   195 B. bracteata
74 (56) Leaves entire   (75)
+ Leaves spinose-serrate or sometimes entire   (88)
75 (74) Leaves pubescent   (76)
+ Leaves glabrous   (77)
76 (75) Rachises, peduncles, and pedicels pubescent.   155 B. daochengensis
+ Rachises, peduncles, and pedicels glabrous.   156 B. pubescens
77 (75) Leaves abaxially pruinose   (78)
+ Leaves not pruinose   (79)
78 (77) Leaves oblanceolate; petals slightly emarginate at apex.   157 B. kongboensis
+ Leaves obovate; petals entire at apex.   158 B. agricola
79 (77) Sepals in 3 whorls   (80)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (81)
80 (79) Peduncles 1-4 cm; fruit not pruinose, style not persistent.   159 B. forrestii
+ Peduncles 3-7 cm; fruit pruinose, style persistent.   160 B. racemulosa
81 (79) Leaves cuneate, obcordate, or oblong-rhombic   (82)
+ Leaves elliptic, oblong, obovate, oblong-obovate, or obovate-lanceolate   (83)
82 (81) Leaves cuneate or obcordate, 0.8-1.4 × 0.6-0.9 cm.   161 B. retusa
+ Leaves oblong-rhombic, 3.5-8 × 1.5-3.5(-7) cm.   162 B. virgetorum
83 (81) Style persistent   (84)
+ Style not persistent   (85)
84 (83) Leaves oblong-obovate; fruit obovoid, pruinose when mature.   163 B. humidoumbrosa
+ Leaves narrowly obovate; fruit oblong, not pruinose.   164 B. sabulicola
85 (83) Fruit oblong or oblong-ellipsoid   (86)
+ Fruit globose or subglobose   (87)
86 (85) Fruit oblong; inflorescences 5-18 cm; leaves subleathery, obovate or oblong-obovate.   165 B. feddeana
+ Fruit oblong-ellipsoid; inflorescences 2.5-3.5 cm; leaves papery, narrowly obovate-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic.   166 B. haoi
87 (85) Fruit globose, apex lacunose.   167 B. jamesiana
+ Fruit ovoid-ellipsoid or subglobose, apex flat.   168 B. iliensis
88 (74) Leaves spinose-serrate, sometimes entire; petals entire at apex.   169 B. farreri
+ Leaves spinose-serrate   (89)
89 (88) Sepals in 3 or 4 whorls   (90)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (91)
90 (89) Sepals in 3 whorls; leaves thinly papery, abaxially pale green.   170 B. honanensis
+ Sepals in 4 whorls; leaves thickly papery, abaxially brown when dry.   171 B. pingwuensis
91 (89) Style persistent   (92)
+ Style not persistent   (93)
92 (91) Petals elliptic, apex emarginate; leaves abaxially not pruinose.   172 B. tianshuiensis
+ Petals oblong-obovate, apex incised; leaves abaxially pruinose.   173 B. henryana
93 (91) Leaves suborbicular to broadly elliptic   (94)
+ Leaves oblong, elliptic, ovate, or obovate   (96)
94 (93) Petals emarginate at apex; stem spines simple or 3-fid.   174 B. kansuensis
+ Petals entire at apex; stem spines absent or simple   (95)
95 (94) Leaves abaxially whitish, slightly pruinose.   175 B. anhweiensis
+ Leaves abaxially yellow-green, not pruinose.   176 B. dasystachya
96 (93) Leaves obovate   (97)
+ Leaves oblong or elliptic   (98)
97 (96) Leaves narrowly obovate, abaxially whitish; style persistent, short.   180 B. pseudotibetica
+ Leaves oblong-obovate, abaxially pale yellow-green; style not persistent.   181 B. dubia
98 (96) Leaves oblong to ovate, 5-10 × 2.5-5 cm, abaxially pale green; spines 3-fid.   177 B. amurensis
+ Leaves elliptic, 1.5-5 × 0.6-1.8 cm; spines absent, simple, or 3-fid   (99)
99 (98) Petals entire at apex; anther connective slightly prolonged, shortly apiculate; ovules 5 or 6.   178 B. shensiana
+ Petals slightly emarginate at apex; anther connective not prolonged, truncate; ovules 2.   179 B. hersii
100 (1) Flowers solitary   (101)
+ Flowers fascicled   (132)
101 (100) Leaves abaxially pruinose   (102)
+ Leaves abaxially not or slightly pruinose   (107)
102 (101) Sepals in 3 whorls   (103)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (105)
103 (102) Petals entire at apex; ovules 3 or 4.   1 B. candidula
+ Petals 2-lobate at apex; ovules 6-12   (104)
104 (103) Petals emarginate at apex; fruit ovoid, black, with strict style.   2 B. chrysosphaera
+ Petals incised at apex; fruit oblong-ovoid, red, with bent style at apex.   3 B. temolaica
105 (102) Leaves entire; anther connective shortly apiculate; fruit ovoid; ovules 3 or 4(-6).   4 B. dictyophylla
+ Leaf margin 1-6-spinose-serrate; anther connective truncate; fruit globose or subglobose; ovules 5-8   (106)
106 (105) Plants 1-1.5 m tall; leaf margin 1-7-spinose-serrate; pedicels 3-7 mm; fruit pruinose, style persistent.   5 B. approximata
+ Plants 10-20 cm tall; leaf margin 1- or 2-spinose-serrate; fruiting pedicels to 23 mm; fruit not pruinose, style not persistent.   6 B. medogensis
107 (101) Leaves entire   (108)
+ Leaf margin spinose-serrate or entire and sometimes 1-6-spinose-serrate   (115)
108 (107) Sepals in 3 whorls.   7 B. parisepala
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (109)
109 (108) Shoots pubescent; petals entire at apex; ovules 6.   8 B. angulosa
+ Shoots glabrous; petals 2-lobate at apex; ovules 3-5   (110)
110 (109) Leaves oblong-oblanceolate, oblanceolate, or oblong-obovate   (111)
+ Leaves obovate, oblong, or elliptic   (112)
111 (110) Leaves oblong-oblanceolate; style not persistent.   9 B. qiaojiaensis
+ Leaves oblanceolate or oblong-obovate; style persistent.   10 B. woomungensis
112 (110) Leaf blade leathery, margin thickened; anther connective truncate.   11 B. crassilimba
+ Leaf blade herbaceous, margin not thickened; anther connective apiculate   (113)
113 (112) Fruit obovoid, style persistent; ovules 4 or 5.   14 B. tsarica
+ Style not persistent; ovules 3 or 4   (114)
114 (113) Fruit globose; spines 5-fid, conspicuously longer than leaves; pedicels 3-5 mm.   12 B. longispina
+ Fruit oblong-ovoid or ovoid; spines 3-fid, subequal to or shorter than leaves; pedicels 10-30 mm.   13 B. muliensis
115 (107) Leaves entire and sometimes 1-6-spinose-serrate   (116)
+ Leaf margin spinose-serrate   (124)
116 (115) Pedicels 15-30 mm   (117)
+ Pedicels shorter than 10 mm   (118)
117 (116) Pedicels stout, tip bent; fruit large (1.3-1.5 × 1.2-1.3 cm); ovules 11.   15 B. daiana
+ Pedicels slender, straight; fruit small (ca. 6.5 × 4-5 mm); ovules 4 or 5.   16 B. asmyana
118 (116) Shoots pubescent   (119)
+ Shoots glabrous   (120)
119 (118) Plants 20-30 cm tall; fruit elliptic-ovoid, style persistent; ovules 4.   17 B. multicaulis
+ Plants ca. 1 m tall; fruit subglobose, style not persistent; ovules 6 or 7.   18 B. kangdingensis
120 (118) Fruit oblong, tip bent; leaves elliptic or oblanceolate.   19 B. campylotropa
+ Fruit ovoid, oblong-ovoid, or ovoid-globose, tip not bent; leaves obovate or narrowly oblanceolate   (121)
121 (120) Petals entire at apex; fruit ovoid; spines 3-5-fid.   20 B. everestiana
+ Petals emarginate or incised at apex; spines 1-3-fid   (122)
122 (121) Leaves slightly papery, elliptic; ovules solitary.   21 B. mianningensis
+ Leaves subleathery or papery, narrowly obovate or oblanceolate; ovules 2   (123)
123 (122) Leaf margin applanate; anther connective prolonged; pedicels 5-10 mm; style not persistent.   22 B. minutiflora
+ Leaf margin revolute; anther connective not prolonged; pedicels 1-3 mm; style persistent or not.   23 B. graminea
124 (115) Sepals in 3 whorls   (125)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (126)
125 (124) Pedicels 4-10 mm; stems densely verruculose; leaves abaxially grayish green.   24 B. verruculosa
+ Pedicels 15-20 mm; stems sometimes scarcely verruculose; leaves abaxially slightly glaucous.   25 B. concinna
126 (124) Style persistent   (127)
+ Style not persistent   (128)
127 (126) Leaves elliptic; fruit ellipsoid, black, not pruinose.   26 B. alpicola
+ Leaves oblong-ovate; fruit ovoid or oblong-ovoid, red, pruinose.   4 B. dictyophylla
128 (126) Spines of stems 3-9-fid   (129)
+ Spines of stems 3-fid   (130)
129 (128) Spines 3-7-fid; petals obtusely emarginate at apex; leaf margin coarsely aristate-dentate.   27 B. sibirica
+ Spines 3-9-fid; petals entire at apex; leaf margin spinose-serrate.   28 B. erythroclada
130 (128) Leaves oblanceolate, subleathery; fruit black; ovules 1 or 2.   30 B. paraspecta
+ Leaves obovate or elliptic; fruit red   (131)
131 (130) Leaves narrowly obovate; fruit ovoid or oblong-ovoid, 1-1.4 cm; ovules 3 or 4.   13 B. muliensis
+ Leaves elliptic or obovate; fruit broadly ellipsoid, to 2 cm; ovules 6 or 7.   29 B. fengii
132 (100) Shrubs deciduous   (133)
+ Shrubs evergreen   (145)
133 (132) Leaf margin entire or only 1- or 2-spinose-serrate   (134)
+ Leaf margin spinose-serrate   (139)
134 (133) Shoots, pedicels, and leaf margins pubescent.   31 B. hobsonii
+ Shoots, pedicels, and leaf margins glabrous   (135)
135 (134) Sepals in 3 whorls.   32 B. reticulinervis
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (136)
136 (135) Pedicels 20-40 mm; flowers 2-4-fascicled.   33 B. yunnanensis
+ Pedicels 2-12 mm   (137)
137 (136) Pedicels 2-5 mm; fruit black or red.   34 B. ulicina
+ Pedicels 8-12 mm; fruit red   (138)
138 (137) Leaf blade elliptic or oblanceolate, margin rarely 1- or 2-spinose-serrate; fruit slightly pruinose; ovules 2.   35 B. nullinervis
+ Leaf blade obovate or suborbicular, margin entire; fruit not pruinose; ovules 3.   36 B. hypericifolia
139 (133) Pedicels 2-4 mm; ovules solitary.   37 B. tsienii
+ Pedicels 12-30 mm; ovules 2-11   (140)
140 (139) Petals incised or emarginate at apex   (141)
+ Petals entire at apex   (143)
141 (140) Petals emarginate at apex; veins not conspicuous.   38 B. morrisonensis
+ Petals incised at apex; veins conspicuous or raised   (142)
142 (141) Leaves oblanceolate; sepals in 3 whorls; ovules 2.   39 B. yui
+ Leaves oblong or obovate-oblong; sepals in 2 whorls; ovules 6-10.   40 B. diaphana
143 (140) Sepals in 3 whorls.   41 B. circumserrata
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (144)
144 (143) Leaf margin 15-40-spinose-serrate; petals obovate; anther connective truncate.   41 B. circumserrata
+ Leaf margin 5-12-spinose-serrate; petals oblong; anther connective apiculate.   42 B. aemulans
145 (132) Leaf margin entire or 1- or 2-spinose-serrate   (146)
+ Leaf margin spinose-serrate or spinose-dentate, rarely entire   (155)
146 (145) Stems without spines or with very weak spines   (147)
+ Stems with spines, usually 3-fid   (149)
147 (146) Stems without spines; leaves broadly oblong-ovate, abaxially not pruinose, stramineous when dry; branches dark gray.   43 B. hypoxantha
+ Stems without spines or with very weak spines; leaves abaxially pruinose or glaucous   (148)
148 (147) Leaves leathery, oblong-obovate or oblong-elliptic, apex obtuse, abaxially glaucous; shoots stramineous.   44 B. holocraspedon
+ Leaves thickly leathery, elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or oblanceolate, apex acuminate, abaxially slightly pruinose; shoots dark purple.   45 B. ziyunensis
149 (146) Ovules 3-5   (150)
+ Ovules 1 or 2   (152)
150 (149) Leaves obovate or obovate-spatulate, 0.6-2.5 cm; fruit globose.   50 B. wilsoniae
+ Leaves elliptic, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, to 3-7 cm; fruit ellipsoid or oblong   (151)
151 (150) Leaf blade elliptic or oblanceolate, to 3 cm, margin conspicuously revolute; style not persistent.   51 B. taliensis
+ Leaf blade lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, to 7 cm, margin not revolute; style persistent, short.   52 B. subholophylla
152 (149) Petals entire at apex; leaves 3.5-7 cm wide.   46 B. pingshanensis
+ Petals emarginate at apex; leaves less than 2 cm wide   (153)
153 (152) Flowers 2-4-fascicled; leaves obovate.   47 B. obovatifolia
+ Flowers 6-15-fascicled; leaves oblong-elliptic, oblong-lanceolate, or oblanceolate   (154)
154 (153) Leaves oblanceolate, 8-16 mm wide, abaxially not pruinose.   48 B. wuyiensis
+ Leaves oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 3-5(-8) mm wide, abaxially pruinose.   49 B. replicata
155 (145) Leaves elliptic, oblong, ovate, or obovate   (156)
+ Leaves linear, lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate, or oblanceolate   (184)
156 (155) Petals entire at apex   (157)
+ Petals emarginate or incised at apex   (163)
157 (156) Sepals in 3 whorls   (158)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (160)
158 (157) Leaf margin 1-3-aristate-dentate on each side; pedicels to 3.5 cm.   90 B. dongchuanensis
+ Leaf margin spinose-serrate; pedicels to 2 cm   (159)
159 (158) Leaf margin flat, 2-6-spinose-serrate on each side; pedicels 10-20 mm; ovules 3 or 4.   91 B. parapruinosa
+ Leaf margin slightly revolute, 12-16-spinose-serrate on each side; pedicels 1-4 mm; ovules solitary.   92 B. jinshajiangensis
160 (157) Flowers 7-15-fascicled; sepals lanceolate; petals oblong; leaves elliptic, ovate, or obovate.   93 B. kawakamii
+ Flowers 3-8-fascicled; sepals ovate, obovate, or ovate-elliptic; petals obovate   (161)
161 (160) Leaf margin 10-25-spinose-serrate on each side; berry not pruinose.   94 B. bicolor
+ Leaf margin 3-10-spinose-serrate on each side; berry pruinose   (162)
162 (161) Leaves ovate-elliptic, abaxially not pruinose; outer sepals ovate.   95 B. chunanensis
+ Leaves elliptic, abaxially pruinose; outer sepals obovate.   96 B. jinfoshanensis
163 (156) Petals incised at apex   (164)
+ Petals emarginate at apex   (168)
164 (163) Ovules solitary   (165)
+ Ovules 2 or 3   (166)
165 (164) Leaf margin flat, 3-7-spinose-serrate; flowers 2-6-fascicled; petals obovate.   97 B. hayatana
+ Leaf margin revolute, 6-15-spinose-serrate; flowers 5-20-fascicled; petals ovate.   98 B. cavaleriei
166 (164) Leaf blade rhombic-elliptic to lanceolate, margin 20-40-spinulose-serrate on each side; petals obovate-spatulate.   99 B. aristatoserrulata
+ Leaf blade elliptic or elliptic to obovate, margin 1-16-spinose-serrate on each side; petals ovate or obovate   (167)
167 (166) Leaf blade elliptic, margin 12-16-spinose-serrate on each side, abaxially not pruinose; flowers 2-5-fascicled; style persistent, short.   100 B. silvicola
+ Leaf blade elliptic to obovate, margin 1-6-aristate-dentate on each side, rarely entire, abaxially pruinose; flowers 8-25-fascicled; style not persistent.   101 B. pruinosa
168 (163) Sepals in 3 whorls   (169)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (172)
169 (168) Leaf blade elliptic or narrowly elliptic, margin revolute, abaxially pruinose; ovules 4.   102 B. laojunshanensis
+ Leaf blade oblong or oblong-elliptic, margin flat, abaxially not pruinose   (170)
170 (169) Leaf margin 15-25-spinose-serrate on each side; berry not pruinose, style not persistent; ovules 1 or 2.   103 B. sargentiana
+ Leaf margin 5-18-spinose-serrate on each side; berry pruinose, style persistent; ovules 2 or 3   (171)
171 (170) Flowers 3-7-fascicled; petals cuneate at base; berry dark purple.   104 B. lempergiana
+ Flowers 7-20-fascicled; petals clawed at base; berry red.   105 B. soulieana
172 (168) Stem spines absent or very weak; leaves oblong or narrowly elliptic.   106 B. impedita
+ Stem spines 3-fid   (173)
173 (172) Flowers 30-50-fascicled; ovules 5 or 6.   107 B. hsuyunensis
+ Flowers less than 25-fascicled; ovules 1-5   (174)
174 (173) Ovules solitary   (175)
+ Ovules 2-5   (177)
175 (174) Leaf margin 20-30-spinose-serrate on each side; flowers 6-20-fascicled; style not persistent.   108 B. deinacantha
+ Leaf margin 6-16-spinose-serrate on each side; flowers 3-7-fascicled; style persistent, short   (176)
176 (175) Leaves abaxially not pruinose; flowers 3-5-fascicled; berry not pruinose.   109 B. valida
+ Leaves abaxially pruinose; flowers 5-7-fascicled; berry pruinose.   110 B. nemorosa
177 (174) Style persistent   (178)
+ Style not persistent   (181)
178 (177) Leaf margin 1-6-spinose-serrate on each side   (179)
+ Leaf margin 7-40-spinose-serrate on each side   (180)
179 (178) Leaf blade oblong-elliptic, margin 2-10-spinose-serrate on each side; berry ellipsoid or obovoid, not pruinose.   111 B. chingii
+ Leaf blade elliptic, broadly elliptic, or obovate, margin 1-4-spinose-serrate on each side, rarely entire; berry ovoid, pruinose.   112 B. vinifera
180 (178) Leaf blade elliptic, margin 20-40-spinose-serrate on each side; ovules 1 or 2; berry pruinose.   113 B. dumicola
+ Leaf blade oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, margin 7-15-spinose-serrate on each side; ovules 4 or 5; berry not pruinose.   114 B. fallax
181 (177) Flowers 10-17-fascicled; pedicels to 35 mm; ovules 2; leaf margin spinose-serrate.   118 B. malipoensis
+ Flowers 2-6-fascicled; pedicels less than 15 mm; ovules 3-5; leaf margin sinuate or flat   (182)
182 (181) Leaf margin sinuate, conspicuously revolute, abaxially brown, not pruinose.   115 B. guizhouensis
+ Leaf margin flat, abaxially pruinose or slightly so   (183)
183 (182) Leaf blade oblong-obovate, margin 3- or 4-spinose-serrate on each side; pedicels 12-15 mm; berry pruinose.   116 B. lijiangensis
+ Leaf blade elliptic or ovate-oblong, margin 12-25-spinose-serrate on each side; pedicels 7-13 mm; berry not pruinose.   117 B. xanthoclada
184 (155) Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate   (185)
+ Leaves lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate, or oblanceolate   (187)
185 (184) Leaf blade 4-15 cm × 2-10 mm, margin conspicuously revolute, 3-26-spinulose-serrate on each side; ovules 1 or 2.   53 B. insolita
+ Leaf margin not conspicuously revolute; ovules 2-4   (186)
186 (185) Leaf blade 1.5-16 cm × 3-6 mm, margin 4-17-spinulose-serrate on each side, adaxially dark green; ovules 2 or 3.   54 B. sanguinea
+ Leaf blade 6-9 cm × 10-15 mm, margin 12-24-spinose-serrate on each side, adaxially shiny; ovules 4.   55 B. lubrica
187 (184) Sepals in 3 whorls   (188)
+ Sepals in 2 whorls   (198)
188 (187) Petals emarginate or incised at apex   (189)
+ Petals entire at apex   (193)
189 (188) Pedicels 5-15 mm; ovules 4 or 5   (190)
+ Pedicels 10-35 mm; ovules 2(-4)   (191)
190 (189) Leaves 1.5-3 × 0.3-0.5 cm; petals elliptic or oblong; style persistent, short.   62 B. multiovula
+ Leaves 5-11 × 1-2 cm; petals obovate; style not persistent.   63 B. gagnepainii
191 (189) Leaves oblong-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, abaxially slightly pruinose; flowers 2-6-fascicled.   64 B. triacanthophora
+ Leaves lanceolate, abaxially not pruinose; flowers 4-16-fascicled   (192)
192 (191) Leaves 6-15 × 1.3-4 cm; petals emarginate at apex; anther connective truncate; ovules 2.   65 B. xingwenensis
+ Leaves 5-11 × 1-2 cm; petals incised at apex; anther connective rounded; ovules 2-4.   66 B. veitchii
193 (188) Berry subglobose; ovules 5-7; shoots dark red.  

B. insignis

+ Berry ellipsoid, oblong, or obovoid; ovules 1-5   (194)
194 (193) Ovules 2-5; style not persistent   (195)
+ Ovules solitary; style persistent, conspicuous   (196)
195 (194) Petals obtusely emarginate at apex, clawed at base; ovules 4 or 5.   60 B. delavayi
+ Petals rounded, entire at apex, not clawed at base; ovules 2.   61 B. davidii
196 (194) Pedicels 8-12(-20) mm; petals elliptic; berry red.   57 B. wangii
+ Pedicels 15-22 mm; petals obovate or ovate-elliptic; berry black   (197)
197 (196) Leaf margin pectinate-spinose-serrate; petals ovate-elliptic; berry not pruinose.   58 B. pectinocraspedon
+ Leaf margin spinose-serrate, petals obovate; berry pruinose.   59 B. kunmingensis
198 (187) Stems without spines   (199)
+ Stems with 3-fid spines   (200)
199 (198) Leaf margin 15-20-spinose-serrate on each side; berry globose, red, not pruinose, style not persistent.   67 B. pingbienensis
+ Leaf margin 2-4-aristate-dentate on each side; flowers 2-10-fascicled; berry pomiform or ellipsoid, purplish black, pruinose, style persistent.   68 B. griffithiana
200 (198) Ovules solitary   (201)
+ Ovules 2-4   (210)
201 (200) Funicles 3-6 × longer than ovules; berry ovoid, red.   69 B. sublevis
+ Funicles equal to or shorter than ovules; berry ellipsoid, oblong, obovoid, or globose   (202)
202 (201) Petals entire at apex   (203)
+ Petals emarginate or incised at apex   (205)
203 (202) Branches purplish brown; flowers 6-12-fascicled; anther connective truncate; style not persistent.   70 B. wuliangshanensis
+ Branches yellow or yellow-brown; flowers 10-20-fascicled; anther connective rounded; style persistent   (204)
204 (203) Sepals ovate; petals clawed at base.   71 B. vernalis
+ Sepals lanceolate; petals cuneate at base.   72 B. levis
205 (202) Petals incised at apex; berry ovoid-ellipsoid or ovoid-globose.   73 B. bergmanniae
+ Petals emarginate at apex; berry oblong or ellipsoid   (206)
206 (205) Leaf margin more than 25-spinose-serrate on each side   (207)
+ Leaf margin less than 20-spinose-serrate on each side   (208)
207 (206) Leaf blade narrowly lanceolate, 9-16 cm, margin 25-35-spinose-serrate on each side; berry not pruinose.   74 B. iteophylla
+ Leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate, 4-9 cm, margin 35-60-spinose-serrate on each side; berry pruinose or not.   75 B. ferdinandi-coburgii
208 (206) Leaf margin conspicuously revolute; pedicels 3-4 cm or 4-12 mm.   76 B. grodtmanniana
+ Leaf margin flat; pedicels 8-20 mm   (209)
209 (208) Anther connective not prolonged; berry pruinose, style persistent.   77 B. julianae
+ Anther connective prolonged; berry sometimes pruinose, style not persistent.   78 B. liophylla
210 (200) Petals entire   (211)
+ Petals emarginate or incised   (213)
211 (210) Leaf blade abaxially pruinose, margin 2-7-aristate-dentate on each side; pedicels 10-25 mm; berry obovoid, style persistent.   79 B. taronensis
+ Leaf blade abaxially not pruinose, margin 8-14-spinose-serrate on each side; berry ellipsoid, style not persistent   (212)
212 (211) Shoots purplish red; leaves lanceolate; fruit stalks 10-15 mm; berry slightly pruinose.   80 B. photiniifolia
+ Shoots pale yellow; leaves elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate; fruit stalks 10-15 mm; berry sometimes pruinose.   81 B. fujianensis
213 (210) Petals deeply incised; berry ovoid.   82 B. atrocarpa
+ Petals emarginate; berry ellipsoid or obovoid   (214)
214 (213) Berry obovoid   (215)
+ Berry ellipsoid   (216)
215 (214) Leaf blade lanceolate, margin 10-20-spinose-serrate on each side; flowers 5-30-fascicled; style persistent.   83 B. zanlanscianensis
+ Leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate, margin 15-30-spinose-serrate on each side; flowers 2-5-fascicled; style not persistent.   84 B. fallaciosa
216 (214) Leaf margin conspicuously revolute; flowers 6-25-fascicled.   85 B. amabilis
+ Leaf margin flat; flowers 2-8-fascicled   (217)
217 (216) Leaf margin 30-60-spinose-serrulate on each side; berry not pruinose; pedicels red.   86 B. arguta
+ Leaf margin 4-25-spinose-serrate on each side; berry pruinose   (218)
218 (217) Leaf blade abaxially pruinose, margin 4-7-spinose-serrate on each side; pedicels 6-10 mm; style persistent, short.   87 B. jiangxiensis
+ Leaf blade abaxially not pruinose, margin 8-25-spinose-serrate on each side; pedicels 10-25 mm; style not persistent   (219)
219 (218) Leaf blade leathery, lanceolate, 10-17 × 2-2.5 cm, margin 10-25-spinose-serrate on each side.   88 B. weixinensis
+ Leaf blade subleathery, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 4-9 × 1.2-2.2 cm, margin 8-15-spinose-serrate on each side.   89 B. subacuminata

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