1 |
Trees, evergreen; flowers in dense cymes; infructescences often branched, each with 3 or 4 drupes and several prominent scars from fallen flowers. |
(2) |
+ |
Trees or shrubs, deciduous (sometimes evergreen in C. tetrandra); flowers solitary, fascicled, or in few-flowered racemes; infructescences simple, rarely forked, with 1(-3) drupes, rarely showing scars from fallen male flowers. |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Styles apically broadened and 2-cleft or emarginate; drupes globose to ellipsoid, apex and base rounded to obtuse; stipules ovate-lanceolate to ovate, enfolding naked terminal bud; leaf blade base symmetric or weakly asymmetric. |
1 C. philippensis |
+ |
Styles linear, undivided; drupes broadly ovoid, base rounded, apex conic-acute; stipules linear-lanceolate to linear, not enclosing scaly bud; leaf blade base distinctly asymmetric. |
2 C. timorensis |
3 (1) |
Drupe 9-15 mm; leaf blade margin toothed on apical half or almost to base, each margin with 13-28 teeth; petiole adaxially with a narrow and sharply defined furrow. |
(4) |
+ |
Drupe 5-9 mm; leaf blade margin toothed only on apical half or sometimes entire, each margin with 0-16 teeth (to 24 in C. chekiangensis); petiole adaxially with a broad and shallow furrow. |
(7) |
4 (3) |
Leaf blade margin deeply laciniate-toothed, teeth 4-8 mm, apex truncate with a caudate tip. |
6 C. koraiensis |
+ |
Leaf blade margin evenly toothed, teeth no more than 2 mm, apex never truncate. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaf blade margin sharply toothed to near base, teeth 1-2 mm; drupe blackish blue, globose. |
9 C. cerasifera |
+ |
Leaf blade margin finely toothed in apical 1/3-2/3, teeth less than 1 mm; drupe yellow to orange, ellipsoid to globose. |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Petiole and leaf blade abaxially golden pubescent. |
4 C. julianae |
+ |
Petiole glabrous and leaf blade abaxially with tufts of hairs in vein axils or glabrous. |
5 C. vandervoetiana |
7 (3) |
Bud scales densely strigose; leaf blade with inconspicuous scattered appressed hairs on both surfaces or adaxially glabrous except sometimes for major veins. |
3 C. biondii |
+ |
Bud scales glabrous or inconspicuously puberulent; leaf blade adaxially glabrous except sometimes for major veins. |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Fruiting pedicel 0.4-1.5 cm, 1-2 × as long as subtending petiole; mature fruit yellow to orange. |
(9) |
+ |
Fruiting pedicel 1-2.5 cm, 1.7-5 × as long as subtending petiole; mature fruit red or purple. |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Drupe 7-8 mm in diam.; leaf blade base oblique, apex acuminate to shortly caudate-acuminate. |
7 C. tetrandra |
+ |
Drupe 5-7 mm in diam.; leaf blade base slightly oblique or not, apex shortly acuminate. |
8 C. sinensis |
10 (8) |
Drupe blackish blue; fruit stalks solitary in leaf axils. |
10 C. bungeana |
+ |
Drupe brownish red; fruit stalk often 2 or 3 per leaf axil. |
11 C. chekiangensis |