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140. Oxytropis Candolle, Astragalogia. ed. 4°, 66; ed. f°, 53. 1802.

棘豆属 ji dou shu

Authors: Xiangyun Zhu, Stanley L. Welsh & Hiroyoshi Ohashi

Spiesia Necker ex Kuntze.

Perennial herbs or cushionlike shrublets, caulescent or acaulescent, with glandular trichomes, glands, or scalelike or slender basifixed trichomes. Stipules conspicuous, membranous, papery, leathery, scarious, herbaceous, or leaflike, usually persistent, free or adnate to petiole, distinct or connate. Leaves usually imparipinnate, rarely appearing paripinnate by apical leaflet reduced to a spine (Oxytropis aciphylla, O. hystrix, and O. tragacanthoides), rarely 1-foliolate (O. monophylla and O. neimonggolica); leaflets alternate, opposite, subopposite, verticillate, or subverticillate; leaflet blades various in shape, base ± oblique. Inflorescences racemes, spicate or capitate, dense or lax, with 1 to many flowers; bracts usually triangular or lanceolate-triangular. Bracteoles absent or sometimes narrowly triangular. Calyx campanulate, tubular-campanulate, or tubular, with 5 subequal lobes. Corolla various in color, petals clawed; standard various in shape, apex rounded, emarginate, or 2-lobed; wings variously shaped, apex rounded or emarginate; keel variously shaped, apex beaked with vascular bundles reaching beak apex. Stamens diadelphous with 9 connate filaments and 1 ± distinct filament. Ovary sessile or stipitate, glabrous or pubescent. Legume sessile or stipitate, membranous or leathery, enveloped by calyx or exserted from calyx, usually 1-locular or ± 2-locular, septum absent, narrow, or wide.

About 310 species: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America; 133 species (74 endemic) in three subgenera and 20 sections (five endemic) in China.

The genus Oxytropis resembles Astragalus but is distinguished from the latter in having several species with glandular trichomes, several spe­cies with verticillate leaflets (although these are present in A. alatavicus and A. pamirensis; see pp. 402-403), leaflets basally oblique, and vascular bundles reaching the apex of the corolla keel beak.

The following taxa were reported in FRPS (42(2): 1-145. 1998) but are not treated here. The authors have not seen any Chinese material of these taxa, and in most cases their reported occurrence in China is based on misidentifications in literature covering plants occurring outside of China (except for Oxytropis falcata var. maquensis which is based on a type from S Gansu): O. altaica (Pallas) Persoon, O. ambigua (Pallas) Candolle, O. ampullata (Pallas) Persoon, O. biloba Saposhnikow, O. bogdoshanica Jurtzev, O. caespitosula Gontscharow, O. cana Bunge, O. chantengriensis Vassilczenko, O. chionophylla Schrenk, O. chorgossica Vassilczenko, O. confusa Bunge, O. cuspidata Bunge, O. falcata Bunge var. maquensis C. W. Chang, O. fetisowii Bunge, O. floribunda (Pallas) Candolle, O. gorbunovii Borissova, O. ketmenica Saposhnikow, O. kyzitalensis Vassilczenko, O. lanuginosa Komarov, O. longibracteata Karelin & Kirilov, O. macrobotrys Bunge, O. martjanovii Krylov, O. microsphaera Bunge, O. pellita Bunge, O. platonychia Bunge, O. rhynchophysa Schrenk, O. sarkandensis Vassilczenko, O. saurica Saposhnikow, O. schrenkii Trautvetter, O. semenowii Bunge, O. sulphurea (Fischer) Ledebour, O. thomsonii Bentham ex Bunge.

The following taxa are based on Chinese types but are not treated here because additional study is needed to determine if any of these should be recognized or whether they belong to existing taxa: Oxytropis barkultagi Grubov & Vassilczenko, O. burchan-buddae Grubov & Vassilczenko, O. candolleorum Vassilczenko, O. dehra-duni Vassilczenko, O. dschagastaica Grubov & Vassilczenko, O. dumbedanica Grubov & Vassilczenko, O. kumbelica Grubov & Vassilczenko, O. larionovii Grubov & Vassilczenko, O. lutchensis Franchet.

There are additional taxa reported as occurring in China in various publications, but most if not all of these reports are based on misidentifi­cations of Chinese plants in treatments that cover areas outside of China.

Key 10b

1 Corolla standard (1.3-)1.7-2.6 cm; calyx 8-16 mm   (2)
+ Corolla standard 0.5-1.3(-1.4) cm; calyx 3-9(-15) mm   (11)
2 (1) Plants 10-15 cm tall; legume body 0.6-0.8 cm   (3)
+ Plants 1-10 cm tall; legume body 1-3 cm   (4)
3 (2) Racemes dense; bracts triangular, 4-5 mm; calyx ca. 1 cm.   1 O. sacciformis
+ Racemes lax; bracts linear, ca. 6 mm; calyx 1.1-1.3 cm.   2 O. siziwangensis
4 (2) Leaves (2-)5-10 cm (1-2 cm in O. leptophylla var. turbinata)   (5)
+ Leaves 2-6 cm   (7)
5 (4) Leaflets 13-21; corolla wings ca. 1.5 cm; legume body oblong.   76 O. moellendorffii
+ Leaflets 5-13; corolla wings 1.8-2 cm; legume body ovoid   (6)
6 (5) Leaves 5-9-foliolate; corolla standard 2-3 cm with a subelliptic lamina, keel ca. 1.8 cm; legume ca. 0.8 cm wide.   71 O. inschanica
+ Leaves 9-13-foliolate; corolla standard 1.8-2.3 cm with a suborbicular lamina, keel 1.5-1.7 cm; legume 1.2-1.5 cm wide.   72 O. leptophylla
7 (4) Leaves 21-27-foliolate; corolla standard apically 2-lobed and reflexed.   73 O. wutaiensis
+ Leaves 5-21-foliolate; corolla standard apically emarginate (sometimes 2-lobed in O. rupifraga) and not reflexed   (8)
8 (7) Leaves 15-21-foliolate; leaflet blades 1-2 mm wide; calyx 0.8-1.2 cm; corolla standard 1.5-2 cm, wings 1-1.6 cm, keel beak ca. 1 mm.   127 O. rupifraga
+ Leaves 5-15-foliolate; leaflet blades (1.5-)2-4 mm wide; calyx (1-)1.2-1.6 cm; corolla standard (1.8-)2-2.6 cm, wings 1.7-2.5 cm, keel beak 1.5-3 mm   (9)
9 (8) Racemes only 2- or 3-flowered; bracts 3-6 mm; leaves 7-11-foliolate.   69 O. poncinsii
+ Racemes 1-7-flowered; bracts 6-14 mm; leaves 7-15-foliolate   (10)
10 (9) Plants 1-3 cm tall; leaves 5-11-foliolate; bracts 0.6-1 cm; corolla keel 1.5-1.7 cm, beak 2-3 mm.   70 O. eriocarpa
+ Plants (1-)3-8 cm tall; leaves 9-15-foliolate; bracts 1-1.4 cm; corolla keel 1.7-1.8 cm, beak 1.5-2 mm.   75 O. assiensis
11 (1) Racemes many flowered (few to ca. 10 in O. immersa)   (12)
+ Racemes (1 or)2-10-flowered   (18)
12 (11) Calyx 9-15 mm; corolla standard 1-1.4 cm, keel beak 2.5-3 mm.   4 O. trichocalycina
+ Calyx 3-8 mm; corolla standard 0.6-1.3 cm, keel beak (0.3-)1-2 mm   (13)
13 (12) Leaves 5-9(-15)-foliolate.   3 O. bella
+ Leaves 13-21(-25)-foliolate   (14)
14 (13) Beak of corolla keel 0.3-0.5 mm   (15)
+ Beak of corolla keel (0.7-)1-2 mm   (16)
15 (14) Leaves 15-21-foliolate; corolla standard apically emarginate, keel beak ca. 0.3 mm.   66 O. linearibracteata
+ Leaves at least some 21-25-foliolate; corolla standard apically subrounded, keel beak ca. 0.5 mm.   109 O. valerii
16 (14) Racemes rather globose; corolla standard 7-8.5 mm, wings 7-8 mm.   90 O. pagobia
+ Racemes ± elongate; corolla standard 9-11 mm, wings 9.5-12 mm   (17)
17 (16) Stipules ca. 1 cm; corolla wings 10-12 mm, keel beak ca. 2 mm.   105 O. longialata
+ Stipules 5-6 mm; corolla wings ca. 9.5 mm, keel beak ca. 1 mm.   128 O. immersa
18 (11) Calyx 3-3.4 mm, lobes 1/2 or more as long as tube   (19)
+ Calyx (3-)4-9 mm, lobes 1/4-1/2 as long as tube   (20)
19 (18) Leaves ca. 5 cm; calyx lobes ca. 3 mm; corolla purple, standard 6.5-7.5 mm.   84 O. yanchiensis
+ Leaves 1-2 cm; calyx lobes ca. 1.6 mm; corolla red, standard 7-8 mm.   103 O. tukemansuensis
20 (18) Leaves 21-25-foliolate; legume linear in profile.   123 O. malloryana
+ Leaves variously 9-25(-29)-foliolate; legume various but seldom if ever linear in profile   (21)
21 (20) Racemes (2-)5-10-flowered; beak of corolla keel ca. 0.5 mm (ca. 1.5 mm in O. reniformis)   (22)
+ Racemes 2-5(-8)-flowered; beak of corolla keel 0.3-1(-1.5) mm   (25)
22 (21) Leaves 9- or 11-foliolate   (23)
+ Leaves (9 or)11-19(or 21)-foliolate   (24)
23 (22) Peduncle ca. 2 × as long as leaves; calyx 0.8-1 cm; leaves 1.5-2.5 cm; leaflet blades 3-4 mm.   91 O. baxoiensis
+ Peduncle as long as leaves; calyx 1.1-1.3 cm; leaves 3-4 cm; leaflet blades 4-7 mm.   117 O. reniformis
24 (22) Corolla standard 5-8 mm; leaves 1-3 cm; legume body 0.9-1.2 cm.   107 O. densa
+ Corolla standard 8-13 mm; leaves 2-7 cm; legume body 1.3-2.5 cm.   108 O. humifusa
25 (21) Corolla standard 0.9-1.5(-2.1) cm, keel beak 1-1.6 mm   (26)
+ Corolla standard 0.5-1 cm, keel beak 0.3-1 mm   (30)
26 (25) Leaves 0.5-1.5 cm; peduncle ca. 2 × as long as leaves.   106 O. vermicularis
+ Leaves (0.8-)2-8 cm; peduncle subequal to leaves or only slightly surpassing them   (27)
27 (26) Peduncle 4-10 cm; legume body 4-7 mm wide.   128 O. immersa
+ Peduncle 0.5-5(-6.5) cm; legume body 3-4 mm wide   (28)
28 (27) Racemes lax; calyx 4-6 mm, lobes ca. 1.5 mm; legume with a 2-3 mm stipe, body ca. 1 cm.   99 O. krylovii
+ Racemes compact; calyx 6-9(-13) mm, lobes 1.5-4 mm; legume sessile or substipitate, body 1-2 cm   (29)
29 (28) Calyx lobes 1.5-1.7 mm; corolla standard 0.9-1.3 cm, apex emarginate.   78 O. platysema
+ Calyx lobes (1.8-)3-4 mm; corolla standard 1-1.5(-2.1) cm, apex 2-lobed.   83 O. pauciflora
30 (25) Peduncle longer than leaves; calyx 4(-4.8) mm; legume body ca. 13 × 5 mm.   98 O. saposhnikovii
+ Peduncle shorter than, subequal to, or only slightly surpassing leaves; calyx 3-6 mm; legume body 5-12 × 2-3 mm (unknown in O. cinerascens)   (31)
31 (30) Corolla standard 5-7(-8) mm, keel beak 0.3-0.4 mm   (32)
+ Corolla standard 6-10 mm, keel beak 0.5-1 mm   (33)
32 (31) Leaves 2-7 cm; peduncle subequal to or slightly longer than leaves; legume 10-12 mm, shortly stipitate.   79 O. pusilla
+ Leaves 1-2 cm; peduncle shorter than leaves, less than 1 cm; legume 5-6 mm, stipe as long as calyx tube.   80 O. brevipedunculata
33 (31) Plants 7-10 cm tall; leaves 2.5-6 cm; peduncle ± equaling leaves; bracts ca. 3 mm.   85 O. cinerascens
+ Plants 3-5 cm tall; leaves 0.5-3 cm; peduncle somewhat surpassing leaves; bracts 1-1.5 mm.   125 O. savellanica

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