5. Myosotis alpestris subsp. asiatica Vestergren ex Hulten, Fl. Kamchatka. 4:80. 1930.
Perennial herb up to 30 cm or more tall. Basal leaves linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, sometimes narrow oblong, 30-40 x 4-10 mm. Cauline leaves similar but generally reducing upwards, both surfaces covered with spreading hairs arising from tuberculate base. Inflorescence short and scorpioid in flower, elongating in fruit. Pedicel equal to or longer than fruiting calyx, 4-5 mm in fruit, c. 2 mm long, up to 3 mm in fruit. Calyx rounded or narrowed towards base, lobes lanceolate, ciliate, surfaces covered with shorter appressed hairs, towards base the hairs spreading, some uncinate. Corolla blue or white. Nutlets margined only on the upper half, apex ± obtuse.
A polymorphic taxon which varies In the mode of brag, leaf, shape and nature of calyx hairs. Differs from the type subspecies mainly in the taller habit, narrower basal leaves (not broadly oblong) and calyx base without appressed hairs.
Distribution: Arctic Europe, Asia, C. Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Ladak.
Represented in Pakistan by 2 varieties.