19. Androsace himalaica (Knuth) Handel-Mazzetti in Acta Horti Gothob. 2:114. 1926. Wendelbo in Fl. Symb. 10 (3): 73.1958;in Fl. Iran. 9:28.1965.
A stoloniferous plant. Stolons (8-) 32-100 mm long, brownish, glabrescent. Leaves rosulate, cartilaginous, margin whitish, 8-20 x 3-5.5 mm, elliptic, cuneate, glabrous, setose-ciliate, mucronate, undersurface of a lighter colour, farinose. Scape 2.5-11.5 (-30) cm long, solitary, 3-15-flowered, glandular-hairy. Bracts 3-9.5 mm long, lanceolate, glandular. Pedicel 2-9 mm long, exceeding the bracts, glandular. Calyx 2.5-3 mm long, broad campanulate, glandular; lobes 1-1.4 mm long, ciliate. Corolla limb 9-10 mm broad; lobes obovate-truncate to slightly wavy, 3-4 mm long; throat exannulate. Style less than 1 mm long, stigma capitate. Capsule ± included in the calyx. Seeds 4-8, ovoid-angular, 2-2.5 mm long, brown-black, reticulate-vesiculose.
On the basis of morphological differences between the two taxa and different geographical areas occupied by them, two subspecies can be recognised under Androsace himalaica.