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Wedelia Jacq.


Wedelia prostrata

Credit: HAST

Perennial herbs or subshrubs, scabrous or sometimes strigose-hirsute; stems creeping or scandent, elongate. Leaves opposite. Heads radiate, terminal or axillary, pedunculate, heterogamous. Involucre subglobose, bracts in 1 series, outer ones green or foliaceous, coarsely strigose, inner ones dry. Receptacle flat or convex, paleae convex, enclosing florets. Ray florets ligulate, fertile, corolla spreading, entire or 2-toothed, yellow. Disc corollas tubular, limb elongate, 5-lobed; anthers appendaged at apex, entire or nearly so at base; style branches of disc florets acute, hairy abaxially; achenes oblong-cuneate or obovate, thick, flattened laterally (trigonous in ray achenes). Pappus absent or crown-like, toothed or ringed, or consisting of 1 or 2 small, short, deciduous bristles.

Pantropical, ca. 100 species; in Taiwan, four species, two of which are represented by two varieties each.

Koyama, H. 1995. Wedelia Jacq. In K. Iwatsuki, T. Yamazaki, D. E. Boufford & H. Ohba (eds.). Fl. Jap. 3(b): 33-34.


1 Leaf base extended into an abruptly terminating petiolar wing; leaves often 3-lobed.   Wedelia trilobata
+ Leaves not as above.   (2)
2 (1) Pappus distinct, cup shaped; achenes not angled.   Wedelia chinensis
+ Pappus nearly obsolete, bristles 1 or 2, caducous; achenes 2-4 angled.   (3)
3 (2) Stems scandent; leaves 7-14 cm long, apex acuminate, base rounded.   (4)
+ Stems procumbent; leaves 1.5-4.5 cm long, apex obtuse to acute, base cuneate.   (5)
4 (3) Ray florets 8-12, disc florets 20-35 per head.   var. biflora
+ Ray florets 14 or 15, disc florets 45-70 per head.   var. ryukyuensis
5 (3) Leaves oblong, 1.5-4.5 cm, coriaceous; heads 1.6-2.2 cm across, usually solitary.   var. prostrata
+ Leaves ovate, 3-12 cm, chartaceous; heads 2.-2.5 cm across, in 3’s or sometimes solitary.   var. robusta

Lower Taxa

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