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Youngia Cass.


Youngia japonica

Credit: HAST

Pubescent or glabrous annuals, biennials or perennials; stems usually much branched. Leaves usually pinnatifid, often prominently dilated and clasping at base. Heads peduncled, in corymbs or panicles, homogamous. Involucre cylindric or campanulate, inner bracts in 1 series. Receptacle flat, usually naked. Corolla yellow, truncate, 5-lobed. Achenes oblong-linear, rather slender, slightly flattened, 10-20-ribbed, beakless or beaks short. Pappus bristles in 1 series, many, usually silvery, simple, soft, persistent or bristles separately deciduous.

About 40 species in central, eastern and tropical Asia, mainly in the Himalaya; one species represented by three subspecies in Taiwan.


1 Heads less than 1.5 cm wide; involucral bracts 4-6 mm long.   (2)
+ Heads more than 1.5 cm wide; involucral bracts 6-8 mm long.   subsp. longiflora
2 (1) Leaves entire to lyrate-pinnatifid; achenes brown, less than 2 mm long.   subsp. japonica
+ Leaves pinnatifid-runcinate; achenes reddish-brown to dark purple; 2-2.5 mm long.   subsp. formosana

Lower Taxa

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