1 |
Plants parasitic, leafless, with haustoria; flowers 2-9 mm, in dense clusters or short racemes; corolla inside usually with 5 fimbriate scales opposite sepals |
20 Cuscuta |
+ |
Plants not parasitic, with well-developed leaves; inflorescences and corolla not as above (scales present in Lepistemon but entire, ± fused to filaments, flowers 10-22 mm (less than 8 mm in Poranopsis), in ± umbellate cymes). |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Styles 2, free or joined partway. |
(3) |
+ |
Style 1 or absent. |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Robust lianas; 1 bract greatly enlarged in fruit, winglike, decurrent along peduncle so fruit is inserted at center |
3 Neuropeltis |
+ |
Creeping herbs; bracts always inconspicuous. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Ovary and fruit deeply 2-lobed; styles gynobasic, joined at base, unbranched |
1 Dichondra |
+ |
Ovary entire, not 2-lobed; styles terminal, free, each 2-branched |
2 Evolvulus |
5 (2) |
Style absent; stigma ± conical, 5-10-ridged; fruit a slightly fleshy berry, much longer than inconspicuous sepals |
4 Erycibe |
+ |
Style present, longer than stigma (usually much longer); stigma 2-lobed; fruit dry or if ± fleshy then sepals conspicuous, often brightly colored. |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Specimen in flower (fruit needed at couplets 15, 18). |
(7) |
+ |
Specimen in fruit (flowers needed at couplets 25, 32-36). |
(21) |
7 (6) |
Stigmas 2, clearly longer than wide, ovate-oblong, elliptic, oblong, clavate, cylindric, to linear. |
(8) |
+ |
Stigma 1, ca. as thick as wide, ± capitate or shallowly 2-globose (ellipsoid in Dinetus). |
(11) |
8 (7) |
Bracts or bracteoles prominent, sepal-like or leaflike, persistent in fruit. |
(9) |
+ |
Bracts and bracteoles inconspicuous, scalelike, linear or subulate, often deciduous. |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Corolla pale yellow or whitish, center purple; bracts oblong-lanceolate, attached visibly below calyx; capsule pilose |
8 Hewittia |
+ |
Corolla pinkish, lavender, or white, center often paler; bracteoles broadly ovate, sometimes saccate, closely enclosing calyx; capsule glabrous |
10 Calystegia |
10 (8) |
Stigmas linear, cylindric, or clavate; hairs 2-armed or simple, always present; pollen ellipsoid, 3-colpate |
11 Convolvulus |
+ |
Stigmas elliptic or oblong; hairs stellate (3- or more rayed), sometimes absent; pollen globose, usually 5-zonocolpate |
9 Jacquemontia |
11 (7) |
Ovary 1-locular; flowers in bracteate racemes or panicles, lower bracts often cordate. |
(12) |
+ |
Ovary 2(-4)-locular; flowers in relatively few-branched cymes, umbel-like or capitulate; bracts not cordate (except some Argyreia), often minute and/or soon falling. |
(14) |
12 (11) |
Herbaceous twiners; corolla glabrous outside or lobes with a minute apical tuft of hairs |
7 Dinetus |
+ |
Woody climbers; corolla pubescent outside on midpetaline bands. |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Flowers less than 8 mm, white, in ± crowded panicles; sepals ± equal; bracteoles minute, scalelike |
5 Poranopsis |
+ |
Flowers 10-35(-50) mm, blue, violet, or white, in racemes or few-branched panicles; sepals unequal; bracteoles sepal-like, forming a secondary calyx (calycle) immediately below calyx |
6 Tridynamia |
14 (11) |
Corolla urceolate; filaments dilated basally into a concave scale, scales arched over ovary |
16 Lepistemon |
+ |
Corolla campanulate, funnelform, or salverform; filaments basally pubescent or glandular, not forming scales. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Leaves (and often sepals and corolla lobes) with small dark glandular dots; fruiting sepals leathery, apex rounded |
19 Stictocardia |
+ |
Leaves (sepals, corolla lobes) without glandular dots; fruiting sepals not leathery, apex often acute. |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Flowers solitary, nodding; corolla waxy, limb erect, subentire or shallowly 5-dentate; slender ± woody twiners (in China) |
17 Blinkworthia |
+ |
Flowers few to many in cymes or capitula; corolla mostly membranous or transparent, limb spreading or recurved, subentire, 5-lobed to deeply 5-parted; twining or trailing herbs, scandent shrubs, or lianas. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Pollen spiny. |
(18) |
+ |
Pollen smooth. |
(19) |
18 (17) |
Fruit a fleshy, mealy, or leathery berry, indehiscent or breaking up irregularly; adaxially sepals and berry often brightly colored |
18 Argyreia |
+ |
Fruit a capsule, usually 4- (or 6)-valved, woody and seemingly indehiscent in I.aquatica; adaxially sepals and fruit green or brown |
15 Ipomoea |
19 (17) |
Inner 3 sepals tapering into slender points apically; leaves linear, oblong-linear, lanceolate-elliptic, or oblanceolate to spatulate, base hastate, ± clasping stem; pollen pantoporate; herbaceous, stems prostrate or tips twining |
13 Xenostegia |
+ |
Inner sepals not tapering into slender points apically; leaves variously shaped, usually wider, bases rarely clasping (except some M. hirta); pollen colpate or rugate; woody or herbaceous, often climbing, sometimes prostrate. |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Stems terete or striate, not winged; corolla much longer than calyx, usually yellow, less often lilac, pink, reddish, white, or white with red center |
12 Merremia |
+ |
Stems (and often petioles, peduncles) winged; corolla ca. 2 as long as calyx, white with yellow center |
14 Operculina |
21 (6) |
Stems (and often petioles, peduncles) winged; fruit with a thickened circumscissile lid that separates from ± papery and tardily shattering endocarp |
14 Operculina |
+ |
Stems terete or striate, not winged; fruit dehiscent or indehiscent but without a thickened circumscissile lid. |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Fruit indehiscent. |
(23) |
+ |
Fruit a 4- or more-valved capsule. |
(29) |
23 (22) |
Stems prostrate, fistulose, growing in water or in very wet situations |
15 Ipomoea |
+ |
Stems climbing or prostrate, not fistulose, growing on land. |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Calyx enlarged, < length of fruit; adaxial surface of sepals often brightly colored (except Blinkworthia, some Argyreia); fruit fleshy, mealy, or leathery |
18 Argyreia |
+ |
Calyx greatly enlarged, clearly longer than fruit; adaxial surface of sepals greenish or brownish; fruit papery to thinly woody. |
(26) |
25 |
Flowers solitary, nodding; corolla waxy, limb erect, subentire or shallowly 5-dentate; fruiting sepals ± enclosing berry, adaxially brownish |
17 Blinkworthia |
+ |
Flowers few to many in cymes or capitula; corolla membranous or transparent, limb spreading to recurved, subentire, 5-lobed, to deeply 5-parted; fruiting sepals usually reflexed from berry, adaxially often colored |
18 Argyreia |
26 (24) |
Leaves (and often sepals and corolla lobes) with minute blackish glandular dots abaxially; fruit with 4 or less seeds, wall at length eroding between septa, lantern-shaped |
19 Stictocardia |
+ |
Leaves (and sepals and corolla lobes) without blackish dots; fruit 1-seeded, wall not eroding and becoming lantern-shaped. |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Herbaceous twiners; all 5 sepals ± equally elongated in fruit or inner sepals slightly less so |
7 Dinetus |
+ |
Woody climbers; outer 2 or 3 sepals greatly elongated in fruit, inner sepals much less so. |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Bracteoles minute, scalelike; fruiting sepals with a single midvein and reticulate secondary veins |
5 Poranopsis |
+ |
Bracteoles sepal-like, forming a secondary calyx (calycle) immediately below calyx; fruiting sepals with 7, 9, or 11 parallel longitudinal veins |
6 Tridynamia |
29 (22) |
Bracts or bracteoles enlarged, surrounding capsule and sepals. |
(30) |
+ |
Bracts and bracteoles not enlarged, not surrounding calyx and capsule, sometimes deciduous. |
(31) |
30 (29) |
Inflorescences usually 1-flowered; each flower closely subtended by 2 leafy, often strongly convex bracteoles |
10 Calystegia |
+ |
Inflorescences with several flowers surrounded by an involucre of bracts |
15 Ipomoea |
31 (29) |
Capsule 8-valved (in Chinese species); hairs stellate, 3- or more rayed, rarely absent |
9 Jacquemontia |
+ |
Capsule usually 4-valved (6-valved in some Ipomoea); hairs simple or 2-armed. |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Stigmas linear, cylindric, clavate, or ovate-oblong and complanate. |
(33) |
+ |
Stigmas capitate, 2-globular (3-globular in some Ipomoea). |
(34) |
33 (32) |
Pedicel with 2 persistent leafy bracts; outer 3 sepals enlarged in fruit; corolla pale yellow or whitish, center darker; stigmas ovate-oblong, complanate |
8 Hewittia |
+ |
Pedicel without bracts or bracts minute scales; sepals not enlarged in fruit, persistent; corolla red, rose, pink, or whitish, center paler; stigmas linear, cylindric, or clavate |
11 Convolvulus |
34 (32) |
Pollen spiny, pantoporate. |
(35) |
+ |
Pollen smooth, 3-12-colpate, polyrugate, or pantoporate. |
(36) |
35 (34) |
Corolla urceolate; filaments dilated basally into a concave scale, scales arched over ovary |
16 Lepistemon |
+ |
Corolla campanulate, funnelform, or salverform; filaments basally pubescent, glandular, or glabrous, not dilated into scales |
15 Ipomoea |
36 (34) |
Herbs prostrate, tips often twining; inner 3 sepals tapering into slender points apically; leaf bases hastate, basal lobes dentate; pollen pantoporate |
13 Xenostegia |
+ |
Herbs twining or prostrate, or woody climbers; inner 3 sepals not tapering into points apically; leaf bases not as above; pollen 3-12-colpate or polyrugate |
12 Merremia |