1 |
Sori small, orbicular-reniform |
(2) |
+ |
Sori prominent, elongate, horseshoe-shaped, or J-shaped |
(8) |
2 (1) |
Plants medium-sized to large; fronds usually more than 60-70 cm, up to 2-3 m, all pinnae stalked. |
117 A. atkinsonii |
+ |
Plants small to medium-sized; fronds usually less than 60-70 cm, second basal pair of pinnae and all upper pinnae subsessile or very shortly stalked |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Lamina triangular; basal pinnae largest, narrowly elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate with lower pinnules gradually shorter to base, prominently narrowed at base, pinnules of upper pinnae often catadromous; mostly in mountains below 3000 m |
(4) |
+ |
Lamina ovate to oblanceolate; basal pinnae ?shorter than upper, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, rarely subauriculate, not gradually shortened toward base, at most 1 or 2 basal pairs of pinnules slightly shortened, pinnules or segments of all pinnae anadromous or subopposite |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Rachis and costae glabrate abaxially, pinnules ?rounded at base, distant from costae, teeth at segment margin long, pointed. |
118 A. spinulosum |
+ |
Rachis and costae ?glandular hairy abaxially, pinnules subtruncate at base, often close to costae, teeth short and narrow. |
119 A. subtriangulare |
5 (3) |
Lamina ovate to ovate-oblong, usually 2- or 3-pinnate; pinnules inequilateral at base, shortly stalked; rachis and costae without long multicellular hairs |
(6) |
+ |
Lamina oblanceolate or ovate-oblong, 2-pinnatifid to 2-pinnate; segments adnate to costae by narrow wing, if bipinnate then pinnules subequilateral at base, sessile; rachis, costae, and veins with sparse long multicellular hairs |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Fronds less than 35 cm; ultimate segments approximate, teeth at segment margin short. |
120 A. schizochlamys |
+ |
Fronds up to 55 cm; ultimate segments separate, teeth at segment margin long, thin. |
121 A. atuntzeense |
7 (5) |
Lamina oblanceolate, many pairs of lower pinnae gradually shorter than upper pinnae. |
122 A. davidii |
+ |
Lamina ovate-oblong, basal 2 pairs of pinnae slightly shortened. |
123 A. repens |
8 (1) |
Sori orbicular or elliptic, exindusiate or indusia caducous; perispore with folds |
(9) |
+ |
Sori elliptic, shortly linear, J-shaped, horseshoe-shaped, or reniform; indusia persistent, rarely incomplete but visible, at least when young; perispore with or without folds |
(11) |
9 (8) |
Stipe and rachis dark brown, throughout with dense castaneous-black or dark brown, ovate-lanceolate scales and fibrous scales; basal pinnae tapering to base; pinna apex obtuse; stipe much shorter than lamina. |
1 A. wallichianum |
+ |
Stipe and rachis stramineous or pale purplish red, scales dense, brown at base; basal pairs of pinnae slightly abbreviated; stipe slightly shorter than lamina; pinna apex acuminate |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Lamina 1-pinnate, pinnae pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite, occasionally 2-pinnate; pinnae sessile or subsessile (stalk less than 3 mm); teeth at lobe margin short and pointing outward. |
2 A. dissitifolium |
+ |
Lamina 2-pinnate; pinnae prominently stalked (stalk up to 10 mm or more); teeth at lobe margin long and ascending. |
3 A. exindusiatum |
11 (8) |
Rhizomes long or shortly creeping with fronds distant or approximate, or erect |
(12) |
+ |
Rhizomes erect or ascending; fronds caespitose |
(23) |
12 (11) |
Rhizomes long creeping; costae and costules with prominent spines at base on adaxial side |
(13) |
+ |
Rhizomes creeping or erect; costae and costules without spines at base adaxially; perispore with folds |
(14) |
13 (12) |
Plants medium-sized, more than 20 cm tall; lamina 3-pinnate or more divided; sori not close to costae or costules, indusia not overlaying midribs and veins; perispore with folds. |
4 A. pectinatum |
+ |
Plants small, less than 20 cm tall; lamina 1-pinnate, pinnae pinnatipartite; sori close to costae or costules, indusia often overlaying costae or costules; perispore without folds. |
99 A. chingianum |
14 (12) |
Rhizomes long creeping; fronds distant |
(15) |
+ |
Rhizomes shortly creeping (occasionally long creeping); fronds approximate, or rhizome erect |
(17) |
15 (14) |
Lamina subdimorphic, stipe of sterile frond shorter than lamina, but stipe of fertile frond much longer than lamina; lamina deltoid-ovate; pinnae 3-5 pairs; basal pinnae not abbreviated. |
5 A. ruilicola |
+ |
Lamina monomorphic, stipe shorter than lamina or equal; lamina ovate-oblong; pinnae 15-20 pairs; basal pair of pinnae abbreviated |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Lamina 2-pinnate, adaxial surface glabrate; teeth not long apiculate. |
6 A. biserrulatum |
+ |
Lamina 3-pinnate, adaxial surface pubescent; teeth long apiculate. |
7 A. wumonshanicum |
17 (14) |
Lamina ovate to narrowly ovate, apex cuspidate; pinnae stalked; stipe only slightly shorter than lamina; scales at stipe base pale brown; sori shortly linear, oblong, or narrowly J-shaped |
(18) |
+ |
Lamina lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or oblanceolate, apex acuminate; pinnae sessile or occasionally shortly stalked (stalk up to 5 mm); stipe much shorter than lamina; scales at stipe base red-brown or castaneous; sori suborbicular, elliptic, reniform, or shortly J-shaped |
(19) |
18 (18) |
Pinnae usually 1-pinnate or more dissected; pinnules ovate, oblong-lanceolate, or falcate-lanceolate, shallowly lobed to pinnatipartite, basal pinnules usually shortly stalked. |
A. niponicum (see Anisocampium niponicum, p. 448) |
+ |
Pinnae usually pinnatipartite to pinnatisect; lobes falcate-lanceolate, at most shallowly lobed, decurrent to broad wings of costa on basiscopic side. |
8 A. brevisorum |
19 (17) |
Indusia pale brown, entire; basal pinnae not shortened or nearly so; rhizome erect |
(20) |
+ |
Indusia pallid, margin ciliate; many basal pinnae gradually shortened to base or only 1 or 2 pairs of basal pinnae prominently shortened; rhizome shortly creeping |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Scales at stipe base yellow-brown; lamina pinnate with pinnae pinnatipartite or 2-pinnate with pinnules pinnatilobate; pinnae narrowly lanceolate. |
9 A. yokoscense |
+ |
Scales at stipe base red-brown, central part black-brown; lamina pinnate, pinnae pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite, broadly ovate. |
10 A. fauriei |
21 (19) |
Teeth at lamina margin obtuse. |
11 A. fallaciosum |
+ |
Teeth at lamina margin sharp and long |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Rachis and costae glabrate abaxially. |
12 A. rupicola |
+ |
Rachis and costae pubescent abaxially. |
13 A. glandulosum |
23 (11) |
Costae (or costules and midribs) without spines at base on adaxial side, at most larger plants rarely with extremely short processes in distal part of costa; perispore with or without folds |
(24) |
+ |
Costae (or also costules and midribs) with long or short spines at base on adaxial side; perispore without folds |
(48) |
24 (23) |
Pinnae prominently broadened at base, inequilateral, auriculate at acroscopic base, usually cuneate basiscopically; in pinnate or more divided lamina, all lobes or pinnules anadromous; costae without spines on adaxial side; perispore with folds (rarely without folds) |
(25) |
+ |
Pinnae narrowed at base, not or slightly broadened, equilateral or subequilateral; at least pinnules or lobes of upper pinnae catadromous or opposite; costae of larger plants rarely with very short processes adaxially; perispore without folds |
(33) |
25 (24) |
Fertile fronds less than 10 cm; perispore without folds. |
14 A. minimum |
+ |
Fertile fronds more than 10 cm; perispore with folds |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Lamina pinnate, pinnae repand or shallowly deltoid-lobed, occasionally acroscopic basal lobes of basal pinnae pinnatisect; rachis glandular pubescent |
(27) |
+ |
Lamina pinnate to 2-pinnate or more divided, if pinnate then lobes of pinnae not deltoid; rachis without glandular hairs (occasionally with pale brown, short unicellular hairs) |
(28) |
27 (26) |
Pinna obtuse at apex, basal acroscopic auricles entire or slightly repand to dentate, rachis with sparse black or brown glandular hairs. |
15 A. nakanoi |
+ |
Pinna acute at apex, basal acroscopic auricles denticulate at apex, rachis with sparse brown glandular hairs. |
16 A. zhenfengense |
28 (26) |
Lamina ovate to ovate-triangular, basal pinnae largest, narrowly ovate, basal 1 or 2 pairs of pinnules of basal pinnae slightly shortened; ultimate pinnules or lobes obtuse. |
17 A. bucahwangense |
+ |
Lamina narrowly lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, basal pinnae slightly shortened, deltoid-ovate to deltoid-lanceolate, basal pair of pinnules of basal pinnae largest; ultimate pinnules or lobes acute or rounded |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Rachis without glandular hairs on adaxial side. |
18 A. erythropodum |
+ |
Rachis glandular pubescent adaxially |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Lamina thickly papery or thinly leathery, dark green, surface shiny; indusia small, partly fugacious when mature. |
19 A. drepanopterum |
+ |
Lamina papery or herbaceous, green, surface not shiny; indusia prominent, persistent |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Lamina 2- or 3-pinnate; stipe pale purplish red, scales at base reddish brown; pinnae and ultimate pinnules acute at apex; sori less than 1 mm in diam.. |
20 A. fimbriatum |
+ |
Lamina 1- or 2-pinnate; stipe stramineous, scales at base brown or dark brown; pinnae and ultimate lobes rounded at apex; sori 1-2 mm in diam |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Lamina usually lanceolate, pinnate, at most 2-pinnate at base, but free pinnules not more than 5 pairs. |
21 A. anisopterum |
+ |
Lamina usually ovate-lanceolate, 2-pinnate, free pinnules of middle pinnae more than 10 pairs. |
22 A. foliolosum |
33 (24) |
Lamina densely pubescent on adaxial surface |
(34) |
+ |
Lamina glabrate |
(35) |
34 (33) |
Rachis and costae pubescent on abaxial side; pinna lobes obtuse at apex. |
23 A. sericellum |
+ |
Rachis and costae glabrate on abaxial side; pinna lobes rounded at apex. |
24 A. suprapubescens |
35 (33) |
Basal pinnae prominently constricted at base; sori mostly shortly linear; rachis and costae glabrate or with short straight glandular hairs abaxially |
(36) |
+ |
Basal pinnae slightly broadened or slightly constricted at base; sori mostly reniform, horseshoe-shaped, J-shaped, or oblong; rachis and costae with sparse squarrose-glandular hairs abaxially |
(38) |
36 (35) |
Lamina deltoid-ovate, apex cuspidate; basal several pairs of pinnae subopposite, basiscopic lobes of basal pinnae longer than acroscopic ones. |
25 A. hainanense |
+ |
Lamina lanceolate or ovate-oblong, apex acuminate; pinnae alternate, basiscopic lobes of basal pinnae nearly as long as acroscopic ones |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Indusia poorly developed, visible only when young; teeth at lobe margin cuspidate. |
26 A. pachyphyllum |
+ |
Indusia well developed, persistent; teeth at lobe margin not cuspidate. |
27 A. wangii |
38 (35) |
Lamina broadly ovate or ovate, basal 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae slightly shortened or not shortened |
(39) |
+ |
Lamina narrowly ovate, elliptic-lanceolate, or oblanceolate, more than 2 or 3 pairs of basal pinnae gradually shortened |
(41) |
39 (38) |
Scales at stipe base black, shiny. |
28 A. melanolepis |
+ |
Scales at stipe base brown or dark brown, not shiny |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Plants up to 120 cm; lamina herbaceous, stipe and rachis stramineous or pale purplish red, not shiny. |
29 A. brevifrons |
+ |
Plants to 65 cm; lamina thinly herbaceous, stipe and rachis pale reddish, shiny. |
30 A. rubripes |
41 (38) |
Lamina narrowly ovate, basal 2 or 3 pairs of pinnae shortened, but basal pinnae not shortened as auricles. |
31 A. sinense |
+ |
Lamina elliptic-lanceolate or oblanceolate, more than 4 pairs of basal pinnae gradually shortened, basal pinnae often shortened as auricles |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Scales at stipe base lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, less than 1.5 mm wide; lamina pinnate, pinnae pinnatipartite, lobes serrate, lateral veins usually simple. |
32 A. attenuatum |
+ |
Scales at stipe base ovate or deltoid-ovate, more than 3-5 mm wide; lamina usually 2-pinnate, pinnules shallowly lobed or biserrate, lateral veins usually 2-4-furcate |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Lamina black when dried; scales at stipe base castaneous at middle, brown in marginal part; pinnule rounded-truncate at apex. |
33 A. tarulakaense |
+ |
Lamina not black when dried; scales at stipe base brown or dark brown; pinnule obtuse at apex |
(44) |
44 (43) |
Pinnae deltoid-ovate or deltoid-lanceolate, less than 3-4 cm, approximate. |
34 A. contingens |
+ |
Pinnae linear-lanceolate, more than 4 cm, spaced apart from each other |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Pinnae shortly stalked, slightly constricted toward base, pinnules up to 2.5-3 cm. |
35 A. nudifrons |
+ |
Pinnae subsessile, not constricted toward base, pinnules usually less than 2.5-3 cm |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Middle pinnae ca. 1 cm wide, separated from each other by space more than width of pinna. |
36 A. nephrodioides |
+ |
Middle pinnae more than 1 cm wide, separated from each other by space much less than width of pinna |
(47) |
47 (46) |
Pinnae 3-6 ?less than 1.8 cm, prominently ascending. |
37 A. adscendens |
+ |
Pinnae up to 16-18 ?up to 3 cm, spreading or slightly ascending. |
38 A. dentigerum |
48 (23) |
Lamina pinnate, oblanceolate, pinnae pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite, many pairs of basal pinnae gradually shortened, basal pinnae often auricles. |
39 A. mehrae |
+ |
Lamina 1-3-pinnate, not oblanceolate, basal pinnae not shortened, or at most 1 to several pairs slightly shortened, basal pinnae never auricles |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Lamina narrowly lanceolate, pinnae more than 20-25 pairs |
(50) |
+ |
Lamina broader, not narrowly lanceolate, pinnae less than 20-25 pairs |
(51) |
50 (49) |
Lamina usually less than 35 cm, 1- or 2-pinnate, lobe margin dentate, costae with short spines adaxially. |
40 A. multipinnum |
+ |
Lamina up to 35 cm or more, 2-pinnate, lobe margin long serrulate, costae with long spines adaxially. |
41 A. elongatum |
51 (49) |
Indusia various, J-shaped, horseshoe-shaped, reniform, elliptic, or shortly linear; scales at stipe base often yellow-brown, brown, or dark brown |
(52) |
+ |
Indusia usually shortly linear or oblong; scales at stipe base often black or dark brown |
(83) |
52 (51) |
Pinnules or lobes of upper pinnae anadromous, occasionally catadromous or subopposite; rachis and costae stramineous, rarely pale purplish red, glabrate or sparsely pubescent on abaxial side; margin of narrow wings along costae or sinus between lobes glabrate |
(53) |
+ |
Pinnules or lobes of upper pinnae catadromous or subopposite; rachis and costae usually pale purplish red, occasionally stramineous, pubescent on abaxial side; margin of narrow wings of costa or sinus between lobes sparsely pubescent or glabrate |
(61) |
53 (52) |
Pinnules or lobes of upper pinnae opposite or subopposite |
(54) |
+ |
Pinnules or lobes of upper pinnae anadromous, alternate, or only basal pair subopposite |
(55) |
54 (53) |
Pinnules or lobes downward reflexed or subspreading. |
42 A. oppositipennum |
+ |
Pinnules or lobes spreading. |
43 A. crassipes |
55 (53) |
Pinnae (especially also lamina tip) or pinnules ascending or at most subspreading |
(56) |
+ |
Pinnae (especially also lamina tip) or pinnules downward reflexed |
(58) |
56 (55) |
Lower pinnae alternate, at most basal pinnae subopposite; rachis and costae pale purplish red, spines prominent on adaxial side, but costules without spines. |
44 A. tripinnatum |
+ |
Basal pinnae to several pairs of lower pinnae opposite or subopposite; rachis and costae stramineous, with very short spines adaxially, costules also with spines |
(57) |
57 (56) |
Basal pinnules subopposite, rachis and costae sparsely pubescent abaxially. |
45 A. deltoidofrons |
+ |
Basal pinnules anadromous, rachis and costae glabrate abaxially. |
46 A. delicatulum |
58 (55) |
Lamina pinnate, pinnae at most pinnatipartite, sessile, downward reflexed, upper pinnae spreading. |
47 A. reflexipinnum |
+ |
Lamina 1- or 2-pinnate, pinnae shortly stalked, usually spreading or ascending, distal pinnae downward reflexed; pinnules pinnatisect, reflexed downward or spreading |
(59) |
59 (58) |
Sori horseshoe-shaped; pinnules lanceolate, subsessile. |
48 A. devolii |
+ |
Sori oblong or J-shaped; pinnules ovate-deltoid or oblong, prominently stalked or adnate to narrow wing of costa |
(60) |
60 (59) |
Pinnules ovate-deltoid, acute at apex, prominently stalked (stalk ca. 1 mm). |
49 A. baishanzuense |
+ |
Pinnules oblong, rounded-obtuse at apex, adnate to narrow wing of costa. |
50 A. maoshanense |
61 (52) |
Indusia usually reniform, orbicular-reniform, or elliptic; lamina broadly ovate, apex acuminate, basal pinnae largest; scales yellow-brown. |
51 A. omeiense |
+ |
Indusia usually oblong, J-shaped, or horseshoe-shaped; lamina usually oblong-ovate, apex cuspidate or acuminate, basal pinnae subequal to second basal pinnae or slightly larger; scales brown or dark brown |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Pinnae prominently stalked, stalk usually more than 2 mm, alternate, basal pinnae subopposite; margin of narrow wings of costa or sinus between lobes glabrate or sparsely pubescent; indusia subentire or erose |
(63) |
+ |
Pinnae usually sessile, occasionally shortly stalked, stalk less than 2 mm, basal 3 or more pairs of pinnae often opposite or subopposite; margin of narrow wings of costa or sinus between lobes usually sparsely pubescent, occasionally glabrate; indusia usually ciliate, occasionally lacerate or erose |
(69) |
63 (62) |
Margin of narrow wings of costae sparsely pubescent, costae densely pubescent abaxially |
(64) |
+ |
Margin of narrow wings of costae glabrate, rachis and costae glabrate or sparsely pubescent |
(65) |
64 (63) |
Adaxial surface of lamina and lobe margin sparsely pubescent; pinnules narrowly deltoid to deltoid-oblong, acute at apex. |
57 A. ludingense |
+ |
Adaxial surface of lamina and lobe margin glabrate; pinnules oblong to deltoid-ovate, obtuse at apex. |
58 A. hirtirachis |
65 (63) |
Pinnules oblong, rounded-obtuse at apex. |
52 A. intermixtum |
+ |
Pinnules ovate to oblong-lanceolate, acute at apex |
(66) |
66 (65) |
Lamina apex usually acuminate; rachis and costae glabrate on abaxial side; pinnules of middle and basal pinnae pinnatipartite to pinnatisect |
(67) |
+ |
Lamina apex often cuspidate; rachis and costae sparsely pubescent abaxially; pinnules of middle and basal pinnae pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite |
(68) |
67 (66) |
Scales pale brown, linear-lanceolate; costae pale purplish red on abaxial side. |
53 A. costulalisorum |
+ |
Scales dark brown, ovate to ovate-lanceolate; costae stramineous. |
54 A. dentilobum |
68 (66) |
Costae pale purplish red; lamina thinly herbaceous, apex cuspidate prominently. |
55 A. vidalii |
+ |
Costae stramineous; lamina papery, apex cuspidate often not prominently. |
56 A. mackinnonii |
69 (62) |
Rachis and costae stramineous, with dense unicellular straight hairs on abaxial side, with very short spines on adaxial side; midribs without spines. |
59 A. himalaicum |
+ |
Rachis and costae usually pale purplish red, occasionally stramineous, sparsely pubescent or glabrate abaxially, with long or short spines adaxially; costules or midribs with or without spines |
(70) |
70 (69) |
Spines on adaxial surface of costae very short, but if long then costules or midribs without spines |
(71) |
+ |
Spines on adaxial surface of costae long, narrowly deltoid; if lamina 2-pinnate or more dissected then costules or midribs also spinose |
(76) |
71 (70) |
Plants less than 30 cm tall; pinnae less than 5 cm, pinnatipartite; rachis and costae pale purplish red or stramineous; margin of narrow wings of costae sparsely pubescent |
(72) |
+ |
Plants more than 30 cm tall; pinnae more than 7 cm, pinnate; rachis and costae stramineous; margin of narrow wings of costae sparsely pubescent or glabrate |
(73) |
72 (71) |
Basal pinnae prominently shortened; spines on adaxial surface of costae very short; rachis and costae stramineous; adaxial surface of lamina glabrate. |
60 A. emeicola |
+ |
Basal pinnae not shortened; spines on adaxial surface of costae sharp and long; rachis brown-stramineous, costae pale purplish red abaxially; adaxial surface of lamina with sparse pallid short hairs. |
61 A. bomicola |
73 (71) |
Spines on adaxial surface of costae sharp and long; margin of narrow wings of costae glabrate. |
62 A. flabellulatum |
+ |
Spines on adaxial surface of costae very short; margin of narrow wings of costae sparsely hairy |
(74) |
74 (73) |
Plants less than 50 cm tall; pinnules oblong, ca. 7 mm, apex rounded, margin crenate. |
63 A. daxianglingense |
+ |
Plants to 1 m tall; pinnules broadly lanceolate, 22-27 mm, apex obtuse, margin incised |
(75) |
75 (74) |
Middle pinnae more than 20 cm; pinnules more than 20 pairs, oblong-lanceolate or oblong-ovate. |
64 A. obtusilimbum |
+ |
Middle pinnae less than 12 cm; pinnules ca. 14 pairs, deltoid-ovate or broadly deltoid-lanceolate. |
65 A. baoxingense |
76 (70) |
Margin of narrow wings of costae and rachis glabrate |
(77) |
+ |
Margin of narrow wings of costae and rachis ?with unicellular short hairs |
(78) |
77 (76) |
Lamina thinly herbaceous, teeth at lobe margin long and ascending, sori 2-4 pairs per pinnule. |
66 A. jinshajiangense |
+ |
Lamina papery or firm-herbaceous, lobe margin dentate, sori 4-7 pairs per pinnule. |
67 A. interjectum |
78 (76) |
Adaxial surface of lamina with unicellular short hairs. |
68 A. suprapuberulum |
+ |
Adaxial surface of lamina glabrate |
(79) |
79 (78) |
Pinnae less than 1 cm wide, apex rounded-truncate; scales at stipe base black in center, sharply with narrow pale brown margin. |
69 A. zayuense |
+ |
Pinnae usually more than 2 cm wide, apex obtuse; scales at stipe base dark brown in center, gradually paler toward margin |
(80) |
80 (79) |
Basal pinnules often reflexed. |
70 A. lineare |
+ |
Pinnules spreading or ascending |
(81) |
81 (80) |
Lamina 2-pinnate with pinnules pinnatisect to 3-pinnate with secondary pinnules pinnatilobate; basal pinnae much larger than upper pinnae, oblong-ovate; costae and costules with short spines on adaxial side. |
71 A. chungtienense |
+ |
Lamina 1-pinnate with pinnae pinnatisect to 2-pinnate with pinnules pinnatilobate; basal pinnae equal to upper pinnae or slightly shorter, narrowly lanceolate or narrowly oblanceolate; only in large pinnae costules with spines adaxially |
(82) |
82 (81) |
Base of middle pinnae inequilateral; teeth at pinnule margin or lobe margin sharp and long. |
72 A. austro-orientale |
+ |
Base of middle pinnae subequilateral; teeth at pinnule margin or lobe margin short. |
73 A. dubium |
83 (51) |
Costae and costules with long spines adaxially, ultimate midribs often also with spines |
(84) |
+ |
Costae with subulate, short spines on adaxial side; costules or midribs without spines, occasionally with very short spines |
(104) |
84 (83) |
Lamina 3-pinnate or more divided; secondary pinnules prominently stalked; rachis and costae glabrate abaxially |
(85) |
+ |
Lamina 1- or 2-pinnate with pinnules at most pinnatifid; rachis and costae pubescent or glabrate abaxially |
(87) |
85 (84) |
Lamina deltoid or ovate-deltoid; ultimate lobes broad, suboblong, usually more than 2-3 mm wide. |
96 A. adpressum |
+ |
Lamina elliptic; ultimate lobes slender and long, linear or narrowly subulate, usually ca. 1 mm wide |
(86) |
86 (85) |
Ultimate lobes linear, ascending; sori costular, straight. |
97 A. rhachidosorum |
+ |
Ultimate lobes narrowly subulate, spreading; sori subcostular, often curved. |
98 A. araiostegioides |
87 (84) |
Sori oblong or shortly linear, straight, close to midribs, often partly overlaying them when mature; rachis and costae glabrate abaxially, at most costae slightly pubescent at base |
(88) |
+ |
Sori curved or straight, not close to midribs, not overlaying them when mature; rachis and costae pubescent abaxially, rarely glabrate |
(94) |
88 (87) |
Fronds less than 25 cm; lamina narrowly deltoid or deltoid-ovate, glabrous or glandular hairy on adaxial surface |
(89) |
+ |
Fronds more than 30 cm; lamina broadly ovate to linear-lanceolate; lamina adaxial surface glabrate |
(91) |
89 (88) |
Rhizome creeping; lamina glabrous adaxially. |
99 A. chingianum |
+ |
Rhizome erect; lamina glandular hairy adaxially |
(90) |
90 (89) |
Lamina deltoid, basal pinnae not shortened; pinna lobes subentire; sori close to costa. |
100 A. supraspinescens |
+ |
Lamina ovate-deltoid, basal pinnae slightly shortened; pinnules crenate or serrate-lobed; sori distant from costa. |
101 A. medogense |
91 (88) |
Lamina pinnate; pinnae deltoid-lanceolate, less than 3.5 cm, at most pinnatisect, pinna lobes approximate. |
102 A. yui |
+ |
Lamina 2-pinnate; pinnae lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 5-20 cm, pinnules separate from each other |
(92) |
92 (91) |
Lamina ovate to oblong-lanceolate; pinnule lobes subentire or only slightly serrulate at margin. |
103 A. fangii |
+ |
Lamina broadly ovate to ovate; pinnule lobes with prominently long or short teeth at margin |
(93) |
93 (92) |
Pinnae 13-16 pairs; pinnules oblong; rachis and costae glabrate abaxially. |
104 A. nyalamense |
+ |
Pinnae 6 or 7 pairs; pinnules obovate or oblong; rachis and costae densely pubescent abaxially. |
105 A. yuanyangense |
94 (87) |
Lamina lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; pinnae usually more than 18 pairs; rachis usually with bulbils below apex, occasionally without bulbils |
(95) |
+ |
Lamina broadly ovate, ovate, or lanceolate; pinnae less than 15 pairs; rachis usually without bulbils below apex, occasionally bulbiferous |
(97) |
95 (94) |
Lamina narrowly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; many basal pinnae shortened; pinnae 3-4 cm, subsessile; pinna lobes less than 10 pairs, minutely toothed at margin; bulbils usually large. |
106 A. clarkei |
+ |
Lamina lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate; only 1 or 2 pairs of basal pinnae slightly shortened; pinnae 6-11 cm, usually shortly stalked; pinna lobes more than 10 pairs, biserrate or lobed at margin; bulbils small |
(96) |
96 (95) |
Pinnules deltoid-broadly lanceolate; lobes minutely toothed at margin. |
107 A. viviparum |
+ |
Pinnules ovate-oblong; lobes prominently toothed, teeth ca. 1 mm. |
108 A. strigillosum |
97 (94) |
Plants less than 30 cm tall; lamina lanceolate, less than 6 cm wide; pinnae narrow and small, less than 1 cm wide; sori close to midribs. |
109 A. nigripes |
+ |
Plants usually more than 30 cm tall; lamina broadly ovate or ovate, more than 6 cm wide; pinnae more than 1 cm wide; sori medial or inframedial |
(98) |
98 (97) |
Pinnules pinnatilobate to pinnatifid, rarely pinnatipartite, apex obtuse, margin crenate; sori straight; lamina papery when dry |
(99) |
+ |
Pinnules pinnatifid to pinnatisect, apex acute or obtuse, margin with sharp teeth; sori curved and straight or straight; lamina herbaceous when dried |
(100) |
99 (98) |
Lamina oblong-ovate; basal several pairs of pinnae opposite or subopposite; stipe and rachis stramineous. |
110 A. guangnanense |
+ |
Lamina subdeltoid; basal pinnae subopposite, most other pinnae alternate; stipe and rachis usually pale purplish red. |
111 A. silvicola |
100 (98) |
Lamina ovate to narrowly ovate, occasionally lanceolate; pinnules or lobes separate from each other; pinnules oblong-ovate, inequilateral; sori straight, curved or variously shaped; rachis often bearing bulbils below apex |
(101) |
+ |
Lamina broadly ovate or ovate; pinnules or lobes approximate; pinnules oblong-ovate to narrowly deltoid-ovate, subequilateral; sori straight, rarely curved; rachis without bulbils below apex |
(102) |
101 (100) |
Pinnules of middle pinnae anadromous. |
112 A. cryptogrammoides |
+ |
Pinnules of middle pinnae subopposite. |
113 A. iseanum |
102 (100) |
Stipe and rachis pale purplish red, fragile; costae densely pubescent on abaxial side. |
114 A. imbricatum |
+ |
Stipe and rachis stramineous, tough; costae glabrate abaxially |
(103) |
103 (102) |
Stipe usually longer than lamina; lamina ovate, apex cuspidate; pinnae less than 10 pairs. |
115 A. xichouense |
+ |
Stipe usually shorter than lamina; lamina oblong, apex acuminate; pinnae ca. 13 pairs. |
116 A. nanyueense |
104 (83) |
Lamina broadly ovate or ovate, apex often cuspidate, occasionally narrowly ovate, apex shortly acuminate; pinnae usually prominently stalked (stalk usually more than 2-3 mm) |
(105) |
+ |
Lamina oblong-ovate or lanceolate, occasionally ovate, acuminate at apex, occasionally cuspidate; pinnae usually sessile, or shortly stalked (stalk less than 2 mm) |
(112) |
105 (104) |
Pinnules of basal 2 or 3 pairs of pinnae anadromous, pinnae prominently stalked (stalk 3-5 mm); rachis and costae glabrate on abaxial side. |
74 A. clivicola |
+ |
Pinnules of basal pinnae anadromous, pinnules of other pinnae subopposite or catadromous, pinnae shortly stalked; rachis and costae pubescent on abaxial side, rarely glabrate |
(106) |
106 (105) |
Pinnules shallowly lobed, lobes up to 1 mm, or bidentate. |
75 A. infrapuberulum |
+ |
Pinnules subentire, or serrate or lobed |
(107) |
107 (106) |
Pinnules lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 3 or more ?as long as wide; sori subparallel to midrib; indusia erose. |
76 A. criticum |
+ |
Pinnules deltoid, oblong-ovate, or ovate, occasionally narrowly ovate, less than 3 ?as long as wide; sori not parallel to midrib; indusia entire or subentire |
(108) |
108 (107) |
Lamina narrowly deltoid-ovate, narrowly ovate or ovate, pinnae 7 pairs or more except pinnae of cuspidate apex; pinnules narrow, usually less than 5 mm wide at middle, subentire; pinna rachis sparsely pubescent on abaxial side |
(109) |
+ |
Lamina deltoid or deltoid-ovate, pinnae ca. 5 pairs below cuspidate apex; pinnules usually more than 5 mm wide at middle, serrate; costae densely pubescent on abaxial side |
(110) |
109 (108) |
Lamina ovate-oblong, cuspidate at apex; pinnae up to 18 cm, pinnules more than 10 pairs. |
77 A. brevistipes |
+ |
Lamina narrowly deltoid-ovate, acuminate at apex; pinnae 5-11 cm, pinnules less than 10 pairs. |
78 A. kenzo-satakei |
110 (108) |
Base of basal pinnae broadened with basal pinnules largest; pinnules auriculate at base on both sides. |
79 A. longius |
+ |
Lower pinnules of basal pinnae shortened; pinnules auriculate only at acroscopic base |
(111) |
111 (110) |
Pinnules of middle pinnae ascending, oblong, serrulate at margin. |
80 A. wardii |
+ |
Pinnules of middle pinnae broadly deltoid-lanceolate, shallowly lobed to pinnatifid. |
81 A. venulosum |
112 (104) |
Pinnules or pinnule lobes rounded-obtuse or truncate at apex, margin rounded lobed or crenate; sori usually medial. |
82 A. christensenii |
+ |
Pinnules or pinnule lobes acute or obtuse at apex, lobed or toothed at margin, not crenate; sori usually close to costule |
(113) |
113 (112) |
Basal pinnules overlaying rachis |
(114) |
+ |
Basal pinnules not overlaying rachis |
(116) |
114 (113) |
Pinnae acuminate at apex; pinnules obtuse at apex, teeth at margin spreading. |
83 A. delavayi |
+ |
Pinnae caudate-acuminate at apex; pinnules acute or obtuse at apex, teeth at margin oblique |
(115) |
115 (114) |
Pinnae 14-16 cm, caudate or long acuminate at apex; pinnules shortly acuminate, long auriculate at acroscopic base, midrib without spines on adaxial side. |
84 A. caudiforme |
+ |
Pinnae 10-12 cm, shortly caudate at apex; pinnules acute, shortly auriculate at acroscopic base, midrib with spines on adaxial side. |
85 A. subrigescens |
116 (113) |
Scales at stipe base ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate; pinnules of upper pinnae anadromous or subopposite; sori ca. 1 mm, close to midrib, almost parallel to midrib. |
86 A. decorum |
+ |
Scales at stipe base linear to linear-lanceolate; pinnules of upper pinnae catadromous or subopposite; sori more than 1.5 mm, ascending to midrib |
(117) |
117 (116) |
Pinnae often shortly stalked; pinnules narrowly oblong, broadly cuneate at base; costae and distal part of rachis with very short spines adaxially. |
87 A. uniforme |
+ |
Pinnae sessile or very shortly stalked; pinnules not narrowly oblong, cuneate at basiscopic base, truncate and parallel to costa at acroscopic base; spines of costae and distal part of rachis on adaxial surface prominent |
(118) |
118 (117) |
Lamina narrowly ovate or lanceolate, acuminate at apex |
(119) |
+ |
Lamina ovate or deltoid-ovate, occasionally narrowly ovate, slightly cuspidate or shortly acuminate at apex |
(122) |
119 (118) |
Costules with prominent spines on adaxial side |
(120) |
+ |
Costules without or with very short spines adaxially |
(121) |
120 (119) |
Rachis and costae shiny, glabrate abaxially; pinnules and lobes usually obtuse at apex, almost not lobed, minutely toothed at margin. |
88 A. roseum |
+ |
Rachis and costae densely pubescent abaxially; pinnules and lobes usually rounded-obtuse at apex, shallowly lobed or prominently serrate at margin. |
89 A. mengtzeense |
121 (119) |
Stipe, rachis, and costae pale purplish red; pinnae shortly stalked (stalk 1-3 mm) or subsessile. |
90 A. epirachis |
+ |
Stipe, rachis, and costae stramineous; pinnae sessile. |
91 A. pubicostatum |
122 (118) |
Rachis and costae glabrate abaxially; pinnae sessile |
(123) |
+ |
Rachis and costae pubescent abaxially; pinnae shortly stalked |
(124) |
123 (122) |
Basal pinnae narrowly lanceolate, acroscopic pinnules subequal to basiscopic pinnules. |
92 A. otophorum |
+ |
Basal pinnae ovate-lanceolate, basiscopic pinnules longer than acroscopic pinnules. |
93 A. kuratae |
124 (122) |
Rachis and costae with short spines on adaxial side, sparsely glandular pubescent abaxially; pinnules separate, short and obtuse at apex. |
94 A. arisanense |
+ |
Rachis and costae with long spines adaxially, with dense, pale brown, short glandular hairs abaxially; pinnules dense, acute at apex. |
95 A. caudatum |