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8. Primula Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 142. 1753.

报春花属 bao chun hua shu

Primula alpicola

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Herbs perennial, rarely annual, glabrous or pubescent, often farinose. Leaves simple, forming a rosette. Flowers usually heterostylous with pin (with longer styles) and thrum (with shorter styles) flowers; sometimes homostylous, in umbellate, racemose, subcapitate, or spicate inflorescences on scapes, with bracts; rarely solitary, scapes undeveloped. Calyx campanulate or cylindric, sometimes leaflike, 5-toothed. Corolla tube cylindric, not constricted at throat; limb 5-lobed, spreading or campanulate; lobes 2-cleft, margin entire. Stamens inserted on corolla tube; filaments very short; anthers obtuse. Ovary superior. Capsule globose, ovoid, or cylindric, dehiscing by valves, rarely with an operculum or crumbling; seeds numerous.

Approximately 500 species, mostly indigenous to the N temperate zone, with only a few outliers on the mountainous regions of Africa (Ethiopia), tropical Asia (Java and Sumatra), and South America. About 300 species are native to China.

Many species are imperfectly known, sometimes collected only once. This is reflected occasionally by missing details on pin or thrum morphology, fruiting characteristics, or ecology.


The 300 species are represented by 24 sections according to C. M. Hu: 1. Sect. Monocarpicae Franchet ex Pax: spp. 1--13. 2. Sect. Obconicolisteri I. B. Balfour: spp. 14--23. 3. Sect. Cortusoides I. B. Balfour: spp. 24--40. 4. Sect. Malvacea I. B. Balfour: spp. 41--47. 5. Sect. Auganthus (Link) Pax ex I. B. Balfour: spp. 48--50. 6. Sect. Pycnoloba I. B. Balfour: sp. 51. 7. Sect. Ranunculoides Chen & C. M. Hu: spp. 52--53. 8. Sect. Primula: sp. 54. 9. Sect. Carolinella (Hemsley) Pax: spp. 55--62. 10. Sect. Bullatae Pax: spp. 63--66. 11. Sect. Petiolares Pax: spp. 67--115. 12. Sect. Proliferae Pax: spp. 116--134. 13. Sect. Amethystina I. B. Balfour: spp. 135--142. 14. Sect. Sikkimensis I. B. Balfour: spp. 143--150. 15. Sect. Crystallophlomis Rupr.: spp. 151--191. 16. Sect. Cordifoliae Pax: spp. 192--196. 17. Sect. Aleuritia Duby: spp. 197--242. Spp. 238--242 are recognized in Europe and North America as Sect. Armerina. 18. Sect. Minutissimae Pax: spp. 243--259. 19. Sect. Souliei I. B. Balfour ex W. W. Smith & Forrest: spp. 260--265. 20. Sect. Dryadifolia I. B. Balfour: spp. 266--268. 21. Sect. Denticulata Watt: spp. 269--274. 22. Sect. Capitatae Pax: spp. 275--276. 23. Sect. Muscarioides I. B. Balfour: spp. 277--289. 24. Sect. Soldanelloides Pax: spp. 290--300.

Key 18

1 Corolla throat with a projecting tuft of hairs.   (2)
+ Corolla throat without a projecting tuft of hairs.   (6)
2 (1) Leaves scabrous, with short hairs or glands.   (3)
+ Leaves glabrous and smooth.   (4)
3 (2) Bracts ovate to linear-lanceolate; corolla tube pubescent outside   255 Primula primulina
+ Bracts broadly ovate; corolla tube glabrous outside   256 Primula occlusa
4 (2) Corolla throat with a purple tuft of hairs   257 Primula barbatula
+ Corolla throat with a white tuft of hairs.   (5)
5 (4) Plants yellow farinose or efarinose; stolons very short or absent   258 Primula bella
+ Plants white farinose; stolons flagellate   259 Primula moschophora
6 (1) Plants completely efarinose; leaves entire except sometimes remotely dentate in P. dickieana, or bracts auriculate at base.   (7)
+ Plants conspicuously farinose or leaves distinctly dentate or lobed.   (15)
7 (6) Leaf blade linear to subulate, ca. 1 mm wide, sessile or nearly so   243 Primula subularia
+ Leaf blade not linear, more than 1 mm wide, petiolate.   (8)
8 (7) Bracts much shorter than calyx.   (9)
+ Bracts at least as long as calyx.   (12)
9 (8) Plants 1-3 cm high; scapes shorter than leaf rosette; corolla 4-7 mm in diam.   (10)
+ Plants usually more than 4 cm high; scapes longer than leaf rosette; corolla 20-25 mm in diam.   (11)
10 (9) Leaf blade spatulate to oblanceolate, 5-12 × 1-2 mm; calyx 2-2.5 mm, not veined   244 Primula praetermissa
+ Leaf blade elliptic to obovate-elliptic or subrhomboid, 3-15 × 2-5 mm; calyx ca. 4 mm, 5-veined   236 Primula pumilio
11 (9) Leaf blade broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate; scape 1-flowered; bractsreduced, scalelike; corolla lavender blue to purplish   237 Primula oxygraphidifolia
+ Leaf blade elliptic-obovate to oblanceolate; umbel 1-6-flowered; bractslinear; corolla yellow, white, or purple   136 Primula dickieana
12 (8) Bracts linear, not auriculate at base   239 Primula fasciculata
+ Bracts oblong, auriculate at base.   (13)
13 (12) Auricles of bracts 4-7 mm   240 Primula involucrata
+ Auricles of bracts 1-1.5 mm.   (14)
14 (13) Calyx densely glandular ciliolate on margin; scapes longer than pedicel   241 Primula nutans
+ Calyx glabrous on margin; scapes often shorter than pedicel   242 Primula tibetica
15 (6) Flowering scapes 1-3(-5) cm, 1- or 2-, rarely few flowered.   (16)
+ Flowering scapes usually more than 5 cm, 3- to many flowered.   (36)
16 (15) Leaves efarinose.   (17)
+ Leaves conspicuously farinose.   (23)
17 (16) Leaves densely short glandular pubescent and minutely glandular, scabrous.   (18)
+ Leaves glabrous, rarely sparsely puberulent.   (20)
18 (17) Scapes shorter than leaf rosette; calyx tubular, glandular pubescent   250 Primula walshii
+ Scapes longer than leaf rosette; calyx campanulate, short-stalked glandular.   (19)
19 (18) Flowers homostylous; corolla limb ca. 8 mm wide   248 Primula annulata
+ Flowers heterostylous; corolla limb ca. 15 mm wide   249 Primula rubicunda
20 (17) Leaf blade pinnately 5-11-lobed   238 Primula urticifolia
+ Leaf blade dentate or incised-lobulate.   (21)
21 (20) Corolla tube ca. 5 mm; leaf blade oblong-cuneate to obovate, leaf apex subtruncate, with 3-7 sharp teeth   245 Primula muscoides
+ Corolla tube 8-10 mm; leaf blade spatulate, apex rounded.   (22)
22 (21) Leaves minutely glandular, margin dentate near apex; corolla tube glabrous outside   246 Primula waddellii
+ Leaves glabrous, margin dentate from base to apex; corolla tube pubescent outside   247 Primula tenuiloba
23 (16) Corolla tube ca. as long as to slightly longer than calyx.   (24)
+ Corolla tube 2-3 × as long as calyx.   (28)
24 (23) Calyx parted nearly to middle; lobes linear, ovate-triangular, or lanceolate.   (25)
+ Calyx parted below middle; lobes lanceolate.   (26)
25 (24) Leaf blade entire or crenulate above middle; calyx 3-5 mm, lobes lanceolate to broadly linear   200 Primula concinna
+ Leaf blade denticulate to dentate; calyx 5-7 mm, lobes ovate-triangular   201 Primula rhodochroa
26 (24) Leaves densely glandular puberulent adaxially, white farinose abaxially; corolla lobes entire to erose-crenulate   192 Primula caveana
+ Leaves glabrous; corolla lobes emarginate.   (27)
27 (26) Flowers homostylous; leaves white farinose   202 Primula meiotera
+ Flowers heterostylous; leaves yellow farinose   230 Primula kialensis
28 (23) Flowers subsessile; bracts inserted immediately below calyx.   (29)
+ Flowers conspicuously pedicellate; bracts inserted at base of pedicel.   (30)
29 (28) Farina white; corolla limb to 2.5 cm wide   251 Primula tenella
+ Farina yellow; corolla limb to 1 cm wide   254 Primula minutissima
30 (28) Scapes obsolete; bracts 1   229 Primula socialis
+ Scapes well developed; bracts 2 to many.   (31)
31 (30) Farina white or light cream-yellow.   (32)
+ Farina bright yellow.   (33)
32 (31) Flowers homostylous; calyx 8-10 mm, parted to middle or slightly below   221 Primula clutterbuckii
+ Flowers heterostylous; calyx 6.5-7 mm, parted to below middle   253 Primula candicans
33 (31) Corolla tube 3-4 × as long as calyx; leaf blade membranous   228 Primula membranifolia
+ Corolla tube ca. 2 × as long as calyx; leaf blade not membranous.   (34)
34 (33) Scapes 1-1.5 × as long as pedicel   230 Primula kialensis
+ Scapes at least 3 × as long as pedicel.   (35)
35 (34) Calyx 5-veined, parted to ± middle   231 Primula yunnanensis
+ Calyx not veined, parted to below middle   252 Primula rimicola
36 (15) Corolla tube ca. as long as to slightly longer than calyx.   (37)
+ Corolla tube 2-3 × as long as calyx.   (51)
37 (36) Plants conspicuously farinose.   (38)
+ Plants efarinose or nearly so.   (42)
38 (37) Bracts reflexed after anthesis   203 Primula algida
+ Bracts suberect, not reflexed.   (39)
39 (38) Calyx 5-veined, nearly efarinose.   (40)
+ Calyx smooth, ± white farinose.   (41)
40 (39) Calyx campanulate, 4-6 mm, lobes ovate-oblong to triangular   204 Primula farinosa
+ Calyx tubular, 6-10 mm, lobes oblong to lanceolate   205 Primula stenocalyx
41 (39) Leaves white farinose; calyx ca. 4.5 mm, lobes lanceolate; plants stoloniferous   206 Primula caldaria
+ Leaves efarinose; calyx 6-7.5 mm, lobes oblong; plants without stolons   207 Primula fangingensis
42 (37) Bracts reflexed after anthesis   203 Primula algida
+ Bracts suberect, not reflexed.   (43)
43 (42) Calyx 5-veined.   (44)
+ Calyx without veins.   (45)
44 (43) Calyx campanulate, 4-6 mm, lobes triangular   204 Primula farinosa
+ Calyx tubular, 6-10 mm, lobes oblong to lanceolate   205 Primula stenocalyx
45 (43) Calyx lobes triangular or lanceolate, apex acute.   (46)
+ Calyx lobes oblong, apex obtuse or rounded.   (48)
46 (45) Umbels (1- or)2-8-flowered; bracts 1.5-2 mm   210 Primula erratica
+ Umbels 10- to many flowered; bracts 3-10 mm.   (47)
47 (46) Bracts oblong-ovate; scapes fistular, constricted below inflorescences   208 Primula fistulosa
+ Bracts lanceolate; scapes neither fistular nor constricted below inflorescences   209 Primula longiscapa
48 (45) Calyx tubular to tubular-campanulate, parted to 1/3; bracts slightly saccate at base   211 Primula efarinosa
+ Calyx campanulate, parted to middle or below; bracts not saccate at base.   (49)
49 (48) Leaves membranous when dry, puberulent adaxially   212 Primula huashanensis
+ Leaves papery when dry, glabrous, sometimes sparsely glandular.   (50)
50 (49) Pedicel and calyx smooth; leaf blade ovate to oblong, not well developed in flowering plants   213 Primula obsessa
+ Pedicel and calyx minutely glandular; leaf blade oblanceolate, well developed in flowering plants   214 Primula sertulum
51 (36) Corolla yellow.   (52)
+ Corolla rose-purple or violet.   (53)
52 (51) Leaf blade spatulate to linear-lanceolate or linear-oblanceolate; farina bright yellow   226 Primula prattii
+ Leaf blade broadly ovate to elliptic or suborbicular; farina white   216 Primula flava
53 (51) Calyx tubular, 6-12 mm, 5-veined.   (54)
+ Calyx campanulate, 4-6 mm or, if more than 7 mm, without veins.   (55)
54 (53) Leaf blade subentire, crenulate, to dentate; pin flower style ca. as long as calyx, thrum flower style 2-3 mm   205 Primula stenocalyx
+ Leaf blade irregularly dentate; pin flower style ca. as long as corolla tube, thrum flower style slightly shorter than calyx   218 Primula jaffreyana
55 (53) Leaves efarinose.   (56)
+ Leaves conspicuously farinose.   (58)
56 (55) Leaf blade pinnatifid-incised, lobules dentate   235 Primula laciniata
+ Leaf blade denticulate.   (57)
57 (56) Calyx 3.5-5.5 mm; corolla limb 1-1.5 cm wide   233 Primula conspersa
+ Calyx (5-)6-10 mm; corolla limb 1.5-2.5 cm wide   234 Primula gemmifera
58 (55) Calyx usually parted to 1/3; leaves yellow farinose.   (59)
+ Calyx parted to middle or below.   (60)
59 (58) Corolla tube 10-13 mm; pin flower style reaching middle of tube   219 Primula fernaldiana
+ Corolla tube 8-10 mm; pin flower style ca. as long as tube   220 Primula fangii
60 (58) Leaves white farinose or light cream-yellow farinose.   (61)
+ Leaves densely bright yellow farinose abaxially.   (63)
61 (60) Calyx lobes triangular, midvein obscure; pin flower style slightly exceeding middle of corolla tube   224 Primula knuthiana
+ Calyx lobes lanceolate, midvein conspicuous; pin flower style nearly as long as corolla tube.   (62)
62 (61) Corolla tube 1.1-1.2 cm; thrum flower style or pin flower stamens reaching middle of corolla tube   222 Primula tayloriana
+ Corolla tube 1.2-1.5 cm; thrum flower style or pin flower stamens reaching basal 1/4 of corolla tube   223 Primula scopulorum
63 (60) Plants robust, with a tuft of thick stringy roots; scapes more than 8 cm; capsule slightly longer to 2 × as long as calyx   225 Primula pulchella
+ Plants dwarf, with fibrous roots; scape usually less than 8 cm; capsule shorter than calyx.   (64)
64 (63) Corolla tube 3-4 × as long as calyx; leaves membranous   228 Primula membranifolia
+ Corolla tube 2-3 × as long as calyx; leaves not membranous.   (65)
65 (64) Leaf blade obscurely crenate; calyx lobes subobtuse; corolla tube not cylindric, gradually widened from middle upward   232 Primula maikhaensis
+ Leaf blade conspicuously dentate or serrate on distal 1/2; calyx lobes acute; corolla tube cylindric, widened near mouth.   (66)
66 (65) Leaf rosettes 5-6 cm; leaf blade 1-2.3 cm wide; corolla tube of thrum flowers 1.4-1.5 cm   223 Primula scopulorum
+ Leaf rosettes 1-3 cm; leaf blade less than 1 cm wide; corolla tube of. thrum flowers 1-1.3 cm.   (67)
67 (66) Scapes 1-1.5 × as long as pedicel; calyx 5-8 mm   230 Primula kialensis
+ Scapes at least 3 × as long as pedicel; calyx (2-)4-5(-7) mm   231 Primula yunnanensis

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