1 |
Involucel usually absent, sometimes present in Callirhoe, Malachra, Malvella, and Sidalcea, often deciduous in Sphaeralcea; fruits schizocarps |
(2) |
+ |
Involucel usually present, sometimes absent; fruits schizocarps or capsules |
(23) |
2 (1) |
Inflorescences subtended by boat-shaped sessile or subsessile bracts. |
33 Malachra, p. nnn |
+ |
Inflorescences not subtended by boat-shaped sessile or subsessile bracts |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Stigmas linear or filiform |
(4) |
+ |
Stigmas capitate |
(6) |
4 (3) |
Herbs, (1–)2.2(–3) m; inflorescences terminal panicles; flowers unisexual, plants dioecious; corollas white. |
41 Napaea, p. nnn |
+ |
Herbs or subshrubs, usually less than 2 m; inflorescences axillary solitary flowers or terminal, open or spicate racemes or panicles; flowers bisexual or rarely unisexual, plants not dioecious; corollas usually not white |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Anthers borne ± evenly along staminal column; staminal columns not comprised of concentric series. |
20 Callirhoe (in part), p. nnn |
+ |
Anthers borne distally on staminal column, staminal columns comprised of concentric inner and outer series of filaments. |
46 Sidalcea (in part), p. nnn |
6 (3) |
Mericarps 1- or 2-celled; distally dehiscent; seeds 1–3 per mericarp |
(7) |
+ |
Mericarps 1-celled; distally dehiscent, partially dehiscent, or indehiscent; seeds usually 1 per mericarp (3–6 in Abutilon; 2–6 in Herissantia) |
(11) |
7 (6) |
Calyces subequal to or longer than fruits; seeds 2 or 3 per mericarp |
(8) |
+ |
Calyces usually shorter than fruits; seeds 1–3 per mericarp |
(9) |
8 (7) |
Calyces usually 8–13 mm; mericarps with prominent, medial constriction resulting in 2 cells. |
14 Allowissadula, p. nnn |
+ |
Calyces 4–8 mm; mericarps with obscure medial constriction (except P. umbellatum). |
43 Pseudabutilon, p. nnn |
9 (7) |
Styles 3–6-branched; petals 3–5 mm. |
52 Wissadula, p. nnn |
+ |
Styles 6–12-branched; petals 6–21 mm |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Mericarps with medial constriction, distal cell unwinged; seeds 1 per mericarp; Texas. |
18 Batesimalva, p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps without medial constriction, distal cell apically winged; seeds 2 or 3 per mericarp; Arizona, California. |
27 Horsfordia, p. nnn |
11 (6) |
Calyces completely enclosing fruits or leaves maplelike |
(12) |
+ |
Calyces closely subtending, not enclosing fruits (fruits closely invested by calyx tube in Fryxellia); leaves seldom maplelike (Anoda; Sida hermaphrodita) |
(14) |
12 (11) |
Corollas white; calyces not completely enclosing fruits; leaves maplelike; east of Mississippi River. |
45 Sida (in part), p. nnn |
+ |
Corollas yellow or white, fading rose; calyces completely enclosing fruits; leaves not maplelike; west of Mississippi River |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Corollas white, fading rose; calyces brownish-membranous at maturity; mericarps fragile-walled, unornamented. |
30 Krapovickasia, p. nnn |
+ |
Corollas yellow; calyces green-membranous at maturity; mericarps indurate, laterally reticulate-walled, with horizontal obtuse rostrum. |
44 Rhynchosida, p. nnn |
14 (11) |
Fruits spheric, inflated, not indurate, setose, reflexed. |
25 Herissantia, p. nnn |
+ |
Fruits not both spheric and inflated (can appear somewhat inflated in Fryxellia but not spheric or pendent), usually indurate, hairy, seldom setose, usually erect |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Mericarps 3–6-seeded. |
12 Abutilon, p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps 1-seeded |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Leaf blades cuneate at base, otherwise broadly oblanceolate, 0.5–1.5 cm; mericarps 5; usually saline habitats. |
19 Billieturnera, p. nnn |
+ |
Leaf blades variously shaped at base, ovate, reniform, oblong, elliptic, lanceolate, or linear, usually 1.5+ cm; mericarps 5+; seldom saline habitats (except Malvella) |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Mericarps: lateral walls evanescent, spur rarely absent. |
16 Anoda, p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps: lateral walls persistent (firm or indurate), spur usually absent (except Fryxellia) |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Plants cespitose; mericarps with dorsal spur and endoglossum. |
23 Fryxellia, p. nnn |
+ |
Plants not cespitose; mericarps without dorsal spur (sometimes with apical spines) or endoglossum |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Corollas purple, 3–6 mm; calyces 2–4 mm, not costate; pedicels capillary |
(20) |
+ |
Corollas yellow or yellowish, usually 6+ mm; calyces 4–10 mm, costate or not; pedicels not capillary |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Mericarps 7 or 8, lateral walls prominently reticulate; leaves distichous; styles 7 or 8, purple; corollas rotate; inflorescences solitary flowers. |
39 Meximalva, p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps 5, lateral walls smooth or weakly reticulate; leaves not distichous; styles 5, pallid; corollas reflexed; inflorescences terminal panicles. |
47 Sidastrum, p. nnn |
21 (19) |
Leaf blades asymmetric; stems prostrate; indument sometimes ± lepidote; often saline habitats. |
38 Malvella (in part), p. nnn |
+ |
Leaf blades symmetric; stems usually erect, seldom prostrate; indument never lepidote; not saline habitats |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Herbage prominently viscid; calyces divided nearly to base, not costate; fruit walls papery. |
17 Bastardia, p. nnn |
+ |
Herbage seldom viscid; calyces usually 1/2-divided, usually costate; fruit walls indurate. |
45 Sida (in part), p. nnn |
23 (1) |
Ovaries 3–5-carpellate; fruits usually capsules |
(24) |
+ |
Ovaries (5)6–36-carpellate; fruits schizocarps |
(34) |
24 (23) |
Trees; leaves: venation pinnate; involucellar bractlets basally connate. |
31 Lagunaria, p. nnn |
+ |
Trees, subshrubs, or herbs; leaves: venation palmate; involucellar bractlets usually distinct (except Abelmoschus, Talipariti, and Urena), not enclosing bud |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Involucellar bractlets 3, distinct |
(26) |
+ |
Involucellar bractlets 4+, distinct or ± connate |
(27) |
26 (25) |
Capsules ovoid or subglobose to oblong, dehiscent; shrubs or trees. |
24 Gossypium, p. nnn |
+ |
Capsules oblate, indehiscent; trees. |
50 Thespesia, p. nnn |
27 (25) |
Calyces deciduous, spathaceous. |
11 Abelmoschus, p. nnn |
+ |
Calyces persistent, not spathaceous |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Fruits ovoid, subglobose, or spheroid, not fleshy; seeds 2–20 per locule |
(29) |
+ |
Fruits oblate, rarely fleshy, seeds 1 per locule |
(31) |
29 (28) |
Calyces gland-dotted; ovaries 3–5-carpellate; styles usually connate to apex; stigmas 3–5, decurrent. |
21 Cienfuegosia, p. nnn |
+ |
Calyces not gland-dotted; ovaries 5-carpellate; styles proximally connate, distally 5-fid; stigmas 5, capitate to discoid |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Stipules persistent or caducous, not enlarged in bud; relatively dry habitats or freshwater swamps. |
26 Hibiscus, p. nnn |
+ |
Stipules caducous, enlarged in bud, leaving annular scars; estuarine habitats. |
49 Talipariti, p. nnn |
31 (28) |
Fruits 5-angled, sections dehiscent; foliage scabrid; styles 5-fid. |
29 Kosteletzkya, p. nnn |
+ |
Fruits not angled, indehiscent; foliage glabrous or hairy, seldom scabrid; styles 10-fid |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Leaves with abaxial nectaries; involucellar bractlets 5. |
51 Urena, p. nnn |
+ |
Leaves without nectaries; involucellar bractlets 5–9 |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Petals basally auriculate, usually red; fruits fleshy, red; stamens and stigmas usually exserted. |
37 Malvaviscus, p. 298 |
+ |
Petals usually not auriculate, lavender, pink, or yellow; fruits dry, not colored; stamens and stigmas usually included. |
42 Pavonia, p. nnn |
34 (23) |
Involucellar bractlets 6–12 |
(35) |
+ |
Involucellar bractlets (0 or)1–3 |
(36) |
35 (34) |
Petals 3+ cm; mericarps 2-celled, proximal cell fertile, distal cell sterile; staminal columns 5-angled, anthers pale yellow. |
13 Alcea, p. nnn |
+ |
Petals (0.9–)1–2 cm; mericarps 1-celled; staminal columns cylindric, anthers purple or pale pink to almost white or yellow. |
15 Althaea, p. nnn |
36 (34) |
Leaf blades asymmetric; herbage hairy, hairs mixed stellate and lepidote. |
38 Malvella (in part), p. nnn |
+ |
Leaf blades symmetric; herbage usually stellate-hairy, glabrate, or glabrous, sometimes some hairs simple, seldom lepidote |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Mericarps 2-celled; seeds 2 per mericarp; corollas salmon-orange; mericarps drying black; stems prostrate to ascending. |
40 Modiola, p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps 1 or 2-celled, seeds 1–4 per mericarp; corollas sometimes salmon-orange; mericarps drying black, brown, or tan; stems usually erect, sometimes ascending, decumbent, or prostrate |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Corollas yellow or yellow-orange, without darker veins. |
36 Malvastrum, p. nnn |
+ |
Corollas usually white, pinkish, pink, magenta, rose-purple, rose-pink, purple, mauve, orange, red-orange, or red, sometimes salmon-orange, sometimes with darker veins |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Stigmas capitate or obliquely capitate |
(40) |
+ |
Stigmas linear or filiform |
(43) |
40 (39) |
Stigmas obliquely capitate; mericarps 8–15 mm; seeds 2–4 per mericarp. |
28 Iliamna, p. nnn |
+ |
Stigmas capitate; mericarps to 8 mm; seeds 1–3 per mericarp |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Fruits glabrous; mericarps indehiscent; seeds 1 per mericarp; herbs, annual. |
22 Eremalche, p. nnn |
+ |
Fruits hairy; mericarps dehiscent; seeds 1–3 per mericarp; usually shrubs or subshrubs, rarely herbs |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Mericarps dehiscent to base, usually smooth; seeds 1 per mericarp; involucellar bractlets persistent, 3. |
34 Malacothamnus, p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps proximally indehiscent, ± dehiscent apically, reticulate; seeds 1 or 2(or 3) per mericarp; involucellar bractlets persistent or deciduous, 2 or 3. |
48 Sphaeralcea, p. nnn |
43 (39) |
Mericarps obtusely beaked, mucronate, or cuspidate |
(44) |
+ |
Mericarps not beaked, mucronate, or cuspidate |
(45) |
44 (43) |
Mericarps obtusely beaked or not; anthers ± evenly distributed along staminal column; staminal column single; roots usually taproots; mostly east of 103°W longitude. |
20 Callirhoe (in part), p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps mucronate or cuspidate; anthers distal on staminal column; staminal column double (concentric inner and outer series of filaments); roots usually fibrous, fleshy or not; mostly west of 103°W longitude. |
46 Sidalcea (in part), p. nnn |
45 (43) |
Involucellar bractlets present or absent; staminal column double (concentric inner and outer series of filaments). |
46 Sidalcea (in part), p. nnn |
+ |
Involucellar bractlets present; staminal column single |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Mericarps elliptic in cross section, edges rounded, walls readily separating from seed; involucellar bractlets basally connate 1/2 length; style base persistent on fruit, swollen. |
32 Lavatera, p. nnn |
+ |
Mericarps wedge-shaped in cross section, edges usually sharp, walls not readily separating from seed; involucellar bractlets usually distinct, sometimes basally connate; style bases not both persistent and swollen. |
35 Malva, p. nnn |