1 |
Lateral sepals connate into a synsepal; inflorescence branched. |
92 Acriopsis (p. 280) |
+ |
Lateral sepals free or forming a tube with dorsal sepal, if connate into a synsepal; inflorescence unbranched |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Pollinia 2 |
(3) |
+ |
Pollinia 4-8 |
(8) |
3 (2) |
Stems each with a single leaf |
(4) |
+ |
Stems each with 2 to many leaves |
(6) |
4 (3) |
Lip clawed at base; mentum spurlike, cylindric, 4-6 mm. |
104 Collabium (p. 311) |
+ |
Lip not clawed at base; mentum not as above |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Lip 3-lobed; mentum distinct, conic, ca. 2 mm. |
105 Chrysoglossum (p. 313) |
+ |
Lip unlobed; mentum indistinct. |
106 Diglyphosa (p. 314) |
6 (3) |
Lip not saccate or spurred at base; leaves with neither long petiole nor pseudostem at base; if mycotrophic, without column foot. |
91 Cymbidium (p. 260) |
+ |
Lip saccate or spurred at base; leaves long petiolate; petioles often forming a pseudostem; if mycotrophic, column foot conspicuous |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Inflorescence erect; anther cap with 2 dark projections; lip conspicuously 3-lobed. |
89 Eulophia (p. 253) |
+ |
Inflorescence nodding; anther cap without projections as above; lip often unlobed or inconspicuously 3-lobed. |
90 Geodorum (p. 258) |
8 (2) |
Pollinia 8 |
(9) |
+ |
Pollinia 4-6 |
(48) |
9 (8) |
Inflorescence globose, densely flowered; sepals 4-5 mm. |
134 Agrostophyllum (p. 362) |
+ |
Inflorescence racemose or reduced to a single flower; sepals (8-)10-70 mm |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Inflorescences and often stems, leaves, and leaf sheaths ± covered with reddish brown, or rarely white, hispid hairs; leaves never fleshy and subterete. |
128 Trichotosia (p. 357) |
+ |
Inflorescences, stems, and leaves glabrous or rarely bearing white or black hairs; leaves sometimes fleshy and subterete |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Pollinia connected by a common stipe to viscidium |
(12) |
+ |
Pollinia often sessile, directly attached to viscidium or sticky substance (sometimes viscidium and sticky substance absent), rarely each pollinium with a separate stipe |
(13) |
12 (11) |
Column foot absent; mentum absent; anther beaked at apex. |
137 Thelasis (p. 365) |
+ |
Column foot conspicuous; mentum present; anther obtuse at apex. |
138 Phreatia (p. 366) |
13 (11) |
Column without a conspicuous foot |
(14) |
+ |
Column with a conspicuous foot |
(26) |
14 (13) |
Pseudobulbs petiole-like, slender, 1.5-2.5 mm in diam |
(15) |
+ |
Pseudobulbs absent or much thicker, never petiole-like |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Inflorescence racemose, with several flowers; flowers not resupinate; lip superior, base shortly spurred. |
93 Nephelaphyllum (p. 280) |
+ |
Inflorescence reduced to a single flower; flower resupinate; lip inferior, spurless. |
96 Hancockia (p. 286) |
16 (14) |
Pseudobulbs subglobose to ovoid-globose, rarely ovoid-conic, with 1-5 terminal leaves; viscidium triangular. |
98 Spathoglottis (p. 287) |
+ |
Pseudobulbs cylindric to conic, very rarely subglobose, sometimes absent or replaced by long stems, with several to many basal or lateral leaves; viscidium absent or if present then not triangular |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Stems 1-leaved; leaves terete or dorsiventrally flattened; lip mid-lobe swollen, bulbous. |
132 Ceratostylis (p. 360) |
+ |
Stems few to many leaved; leaves and lip without above combination of characters |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Stems short, entirely enclosed by imbricate leaf sheaths; inflorescence a densely flowered raceme with small bracts. |
138 Phreatia (p. 366) |
+ |
Stems elongate, leafy throughout entire length |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Inflorescence axillary, few flowered, glabrous. |
123 Cylindrolobus (p. 349) |
+ |
Inflorescence terminal or subterminal, few to densely many flowered, glabrous to densely stellate-hairy |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Inflorescence densely covered with short stellate hairs, usually densely many flowered; lip callus bipartite, farinose, with a powdery median ridge that usually ends in a protruding globose apical callus. |
122 Mycaranthes (p. 348) |
+ |
Inflorescence glabrous or nearly so, few to many flowered; lip without above combination of characters |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Stem terete, with more than 10 leaves along lower to upper part |
(22) |
+ |
Stem, if present, with 2-6(-8) leaves above middle |
(23) |
22 (21) |
Leaves not deciduous after anthesis; lip spurless. |
107 Arundina (p. 314) |
+ |
Leaves deciduous after anthesis; lip spurred at base. |
108 Thunia (p. 315) |
23 (21) |
Stigma usually subterminal; lip neither spurred nor saccate at base, vesiculate on mid-lobe or disk. |
99 Cephalantheropsis (p. 288) |
+ |
Stigma lateral; lip often spurred or saccate, very rarely spurless, not vesiculate on mid-lobe or disk |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Pseudobulbs subglobose to ovoid-globose, rarely ovoid-conic, with 1-5 terminal leaves; viscidium triangular. |
98 Spathoglottis (p. 287) |
+ |
Pseudobulbs cylindric to conic, very rarely subglobose, sometimes absent or replaced by long stems, with several to many basal or lateral leaves; viscidium absent or if present then not triangular |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Plants usually rather tall, with conic, ovoid, or subcylindric, long pseudobulbs or elongate stem; leaves sparsely growing on upper part of stem or toward apex of pseudobulb; lip often completely separate from column wings. |
100 Phaius (p. 290) |
+ |
Plants smaller, without or with small, mostly ovoid pseudobulbs; leaves subbasal; lip often ± connate along basal margins with column wings. |
101 Calanthe (p. 292) |
26 (13) |
Scape or inflorescence arising from upper part to apex of stem or pseudobulbs |
(27) |
+ |
Scape or inflorescence arising from middle to base of pseudobulbs or from rhizome |
(38) |
27 (26) |
Sepals connate into a cylindric or nearly urceolate tube |
(28) |
+ |
Sepals free or only lateral sepals connate at base to column, never forming a tube |
(29) |
28 (27) |
Inflorescence 4-10 cm, with 10-40 flowers; leaves 5-40 cm; pseudobulb not reticulate. |
133 Cryptochilus (p. 361) |
+ |
Inflorescence very short, with 1 or 2 flowers; leaves 1.5-2.5 cm; pseudobulb surface reticulate. |
131 Porpax (p. 360) |
29 (27) |
Stem with 1 distinct internode only |
(30) |
+ |
Stem usually with several internodes |
(32) |
30 (29) |
Leaves convolute; pseudobulbs conic, 2-leaved; inflorescence many flowered; flowers stellate. |
119 Eria (p. 343) |
+ |
Leaves conduplicate, sometimes terete; inflorescence 1-6-flowered; flowers not stellate |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Sepals densely tomentose abaxially. |
120 Campanulorchis (p. 346) |
+ |
Sepals glabrous abaxially. |
121 Conchidium (p. 346) |
32 (29) |
Leaves terete, fleshy; inflorescence synanthous, 1-flowered; flower relatively large, outer surface of sepals woolly. |
122 Mycaranthes (p. 348) |
+ |
Leaves dorsiventrally flattened |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Column with 2 erect, armlike appendages at apex; stem not swollen to form a pseudobulb; leaf 1. |
132 Ceratostylis (p. 360) |
+ |
Column without armlike appendages at apex; stem often swollen to form a pseudobulb; leaves 2 to many in taxa lacking pseudobulb |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Lip convex, entire, articulate to column foot and mobile; inflorescence never bottle-brush-like; column foot at right angle to column, bearing a fleshy cushion. |
130 Callostylis (p. 359) |
+ |
Lip not convex, 3-lobed or obscurely 3-lobed, if entire, then inflorescence bottle-brush-like, fixed to apex of column foot, lacking a fleshy cushion |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Floral bracts large, ca. 8 cm, bright orange; inflorescence bearing a few medium-sized resupinate flowers; rhizome stout; pseudobulbs short. |
124 Dendrolirium (p. 350) |
+ |
Floral bracts smaller, not bright orange |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Inflorescence densely flowered, bottle-brush-like; flowers small, not resupinate or ovary only slightly twisted. |
125 Aeridostachya (p. 351) |
+ |
Inflorescence not as above; flowers resupinate or not |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Pseudobulbs usually less than 1/4 as long as leaves, borne sequentially on a stout rhizome; leaves 2 or 3, apical or subapical on pseudobulb. |
126 Bryobium (p. 352) |
+ |
Pseudobulbs usually 1/2 or more as long as leaves, clustered, not noticeably arranged along rhizome; leaves 2-6 along upper part of stem. |
127 Pinalia (p. 352) |
38 (26) |
Pseudobulbs noded in middle; sepals connate into a tube; column foot conspicuously longer than column, curved upward. |
102 Acanthephippium (p. 309) |
+ |
Pseudobulbs not noded at least in middle; sepals completely free; column foot usually shorter than or as long as column, spreading horizontally |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Plants leafless at anthesis, with neither pseudobulb nor conspicuous stem; rhizome fleshy, usually geniculate. |
97 Pachystoma (p. 286) |
+ |
Plants with leaves at anthesis |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Leaf 1, petiolate or with a petiole-like pseudobulb at base; petiole similar to pseudobulb |
(41) |
+ |
Leaves 2 to many (Spathoglottis occasionally with 1 leaf), petiolate; petiole quite different from pseudobulb, sometimes overlapping to form a pseudostem |
(44) |
41 (40) |
Base of leaf blade often cuneate (only T. longiscapa and T. emeiensis subrounded); petiole distinguishable from pseudobulb. |
94 Tainia (p. 281) |
+ |
Base of leaf blade cordate or subrounded; petiole pseudobulb-like |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Flowers not resupinate, with lip at top; spur short. |
93 Nephelaphyllum (p. 280) |
+ |
Flowers resupinate, with lip at bottom, spurless or long spurred |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Lip with a slender spur; column without foot; lateral sepals not forming a mentum at base. |
96 Hancockia (p. 286) |
+ |
Lip spurless; column with a long and curved foot; lateral sepals adnate to column foot forming a broad mentum at base. |
94 Tainia (p. 281) |
44 (40) |
Lip movable, on a long column foot. |
95 Eriodes (p. 285) |
+ |
Lip immovable; column without a foot (except Calanthe labrosa) |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Leaves linear-lanceolate or lanceolate; pseudobulb ± globose; mid-lobe of lip with a claw and 2 thickened appendages. |
98 Spathoglottis (p. 287) |
+ |
Leaves elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, if linear or linear-lanceolate, without globose pseudobulb; mid-lobe of lip without a claw |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Lip with neither spur nor sac; mid-lobe with many vesiculate appendages. |
99 Cephalantheropsis (p. 288) |
+ |
Lip often spurred, rarely spurless; mid-lobe without vesiculate appendages |
(47) |
47 (46) |
Plants rather small; leaves subbasal; lip ± connate at base with lateral wings of column to form a tube (except C. labrosa and C. actinomorpha); column often short. |
101 Calanthe (p. 292) |
+ |
Plants much taller; leaves sparsely growing on a long stemlike pseudobulb or densely growing toward apex of a large pseudobulb; lip often completely separate from column wings; column long and stout. |
100 Phaius (p. 290) |
48 (8) |
Sepals partly connate at base into a calyx tube and almost at right angle to ovary. |
103 Anthogonium (p. 311) |
+ |
Sepals free and/or not at right angle to ovary |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Column with a conspicuous foot; mentum clearly visible |
(50) |
+ |
Column without a conspicuous foot; mentum absent |
(60) |
50 (49) |
Inflorescence arising from base of pseudobulbs or from rhizome |
(51) |
+ |
Inflorescence arising from upper part of stem or pseudobulbs |
(54) |
51 (50) |
Pollinarium with neither viscidium nor stipe. |
142 Bulbophyllum (p. 404) |
+ |
Pollinarium with both viscidium and stipe |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Lateral sepals densely hispid adaxially. |
143 Monomeria (p. 440) |
+ |
Lateral sepals glabrous |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Pollinarium with a single, undivided stipe with a common viscidium. |
142 Bulbophyllum (p. 404) |
+ |
Pollinarium either with a single, y-shaped stipe with a single viscidium, or with 2 stipes each with a viscidium. |
144 Sunipia (p. 440) |
54 (50) |
Pollinarium with neither caudicle nor viscidium; stems fleshy or with internodes enlarged to form pseudobulbs, sometimes bamboolike or bamboo-shoot-like toward end, or covered completely by fleshy bases of laterally compressed leaves |
(55) |
+ |
Pollinarium with both caudicle and viscidium; stems without above combination of characters, occasionally cormlike at base |
(57) |
55 (54) |
Plants with many 1-noded pseudobulbs along a rhizome. |
141 Epigeneium (p. 400) |
+ |
Plants with 1- to many-noded or pseudobulb-like stems |
(56) |
56 (55) |
Stems not superposed; either (1) rhizomatous, (2) erect and many noded, (3) erect and 1-noded or several noded from a many-noded rhizome, or (4) rhizome absent, new stems of many nodes arising from base of old ones; leaves 1 to many; flowers long-lived or ephemeral. |
139 Dendrobium (p. 367) |
+ |
Stems superposed, non-rhizomatous part of shoot consisting of several quite long thin internodes, uppermost pseudobulbous and 1-leaved; flowers always ephemeral. |
140 Flickingeria (p. 397) |
57 (54) |
Leaves several, subbasal; stem less than 1 cm. |
118 Polystachya (p. 342) |
+ |
Leaves many, densely and distichously arranged throughout stem; stem usually more than 5 cm |
(58) |
58 (57) |
Leaves equitant, shoots iridiform; lip with a conic subapical wart below. |
129 Oxystophyllum (p. 358) |
+ |
Leaves not equitant, often twisted at base so as to be in one plane; lip without such a wart |
(59) |
59 (58) |
Pollinia 6. |
135 Appendicula (p. 363) |
+ |
Pollinia 4. |
136 Podochilus (p. 365) |
60 (49) |
Plants with a long stem; leaves cauline. |
108 Thunia (p. 315) |
+ |
Plants without a long stem; leaves basal or at apex of pseudobulbs |
(61) |
61 (60) |
Leaves laterally compressed or sometimes cylindric. |
81 Oberonia (p. 236) |
+ |
Leaves flat, not as above |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Terrestrial plants, without green naked pseudobulbs |
(63) |
+ |
Epiphytic plants, with green naked pseudobulbs |
(73) |
63 (62) |
Plants without underground pseudobulbs, sometimes with stem fleshy or stemlike pseudobulbs basally; pollinarium without caudicle, stipe, or viscidium |
(64) |
+ |
Plants with underground pseudobulbs; pollinarium with conspicuous stipe or viscidium (except Tipularia) |
(68) |
64 (63) |
Column rather long, arching; flowers resupinate. |
75 Liparis (p. 211) |
+ |
Column often very short, erect; flowers often not resupinate, with lip at top; always terrestrial |
(65) |
65 (64) |
Leaf 1 or 2, lacking prominent veins. |
77 Malaxis (p. 229) |
+ |
Leaves 2 or more, with prominent veins |
(66) |
66 (65) |
Column lacking fingerlike projections on each side of anther; anther connective broad with locules well separated; lip with lateral lobes enfolding column. |
80 Oberonioides (p. 235) |
+ |
Column with fingerlike projections on either side; anther connective narrow |
(67) |
67 (66) |
Lip entire to obscurely lobed, often with a denticulate margin, without transverse callus at base. |
78 Crepidium (p. 229) |
+ |
Lip prominently 3-lobed, with a transverse callus at base. |
79 Dienia (p. 234) |
68 (63) |
Plants with a single flower |
(69) |
+ |
Plants with many flowers |
(70) |
69 (68) |
Sepals shorter than 2 cm; lip with a horizontally spreading sac. |
86 Calypso (p. 251) |
+ |
Sepals longer than 2.5 cm; lip with an incurved spur. |
87 Changnienia (p. 252) |
70 (68) |
Lip with a cylindric spur at base; spur conspicuously longer than pedicel and ovary. |
85 Tipularia (p. 250) |
+ |
Lip spurless or with a spur conspicuously shorter than pedicel and ovary |
(71) |
71 (70) |
Flowers pendulous; sepals 1.7-3 cm. |
84 Cremastra (p. 249) |
+ |
Flowers not pendulous; sepals 1.5-11 mm |
(72) |
72 (71) |
Lip saccate or shortly spurred at base; pollinarium without a distinct stipe. |
85 Tipularia (p. 250) |
+ |
Lip neither saccate nor shortly spurred at base; pollinarium with a slender stipe. |
83 Oreorchis (p. 245) |
73 (62) |
Leaves membranous or papery; lip unlobed, without concave or saccate base |
(74) |
+ |
Leaves thickly leathery; lip, if unlobed, with concave or saccate base |
(75) |
74 (73) |
Petals not Y-shaped; pollinia 4, without distinct caudicles. |
75 Liparis (p. 211) |
+ |
Petals deeply 2-lobed, ± Y-shaped; pollinia 2, each with caudicle. |
76 Ypsilorchis (p. 228) |
75 (73) |
Sepals concave and saccate at base. |
115 Neogyna (p. 341) |
+ |
Sepals not concave or saccate at base |
(76) |
76 (75) |
Lip spurred |
(77) |
+ |
Lip spurless, sometimes saccate at base |
(78) |
77 (76) |
Pseudobulbs each with 2 leaves at apex; flowers many, on pendulous raceme; spur curved upward. |
116 Bulleyia (p. 341) |
+ |
Pseudobulbs each with 1 leaf at apex; flower solitary, not pendulous; spur straight. |
117 Ischnogyne (p. 342) |
78 (76) |
Lip concave-saccate at base |
(79) |
+ |
Lip not or only slightly concave, but never saccate, at base |
(80) |
79 (78) |
Column thick and short, usually shorter than lip. |
113 Pholidota (p. 335) |
+ |
Column slender, usually nearly as long as lip. |
114 Otochilus (p. 339) |
80 (78) |
Lip sigmoidally curved at base. |
111 Panisea (p. 333) |
+ |
Lip not sigmoidally curved at base |
(81) |
81 (80) |
Raceme with 20-30 flowers; flowers ca. 1 cm in diam.; column with 2 armlike appendages on both sides. |
112 Dendrochilum (p. 334) |
+ |
Raceme often with several flowers or reduced to a single flower; flowers more than 3 cm in diam.; column without armlike appendages |
(82) |
82 (81) |
Plants with persistent leaves alive for more than 1 year, present at anthesis; flowers often more than 2, white, yellow, green, or brown, lacking reddish spots on lip. |
109 Coelogyne (p. 315) |
+ |
Leaves annually deciduous, absent or very young at anthesis; flower solitary, rarely 2, usually pink to purple, rarely yellow or white, with reddish spots on lip. |
110 Pleione (p. 325) |